Message from @amlam

Discord ID: 531352405401403403

2019-01-06 04:55:19 UTC  


2019-01-06 05:46:57 UTC  

Thanks! I’ll give it a read over and see if my views have been changed

2019-01-06 05:47:06 UTC  

married women still want the insurance of government incase of divorce or being widowed

2019-01-06 05:48:22 UTC  

I think women should vote, but we need to change things.

2019-01-06 05:53:01 UTC  

Dunno if it will change your mind. This Harvard research paper was from 1999, before the even more brutal government social programs like VAWA and current state of the family court system, which btw, is being funded by your pensions which should run out by 2030/35, IIRC

2019-01-06 05:54:04 UTC  
2019-01-06 05:55:24 UTC  

I don’t have a pension though but that still sucks

2019-01-06 05:56:20 UTC  

Yeah this is a clash of ideas for me. I don’t like the effect of women voting but it’s hard for me to just say that a fully aware adult human being shouldn’t be allowed to have input in how she is governed

2019-01-06 05:59:18 UTC  

the issue is that women don't have the same obligations of men, nor could or should they do the same as men.

2019-01-06 06:00:13 UTC  

you could revisit that when biological men have babies

2019-01-06 06:01:17 UTC  

The realization that men and women are so different has really changed my world view over the past couple years. I used to be hard core libertarian and learning about the differences between male and female temperaments at large really throws a wrench into the hole thing

2019-01-06 06:01:25 UTC  

these obligations or lack there of, motivate men and women differently

2019-01-06 06:01:50 UTC  

Its not a clash of ideas for me, if you are a citizen of the US, you should be able to vote.
But our government needs to stop pandering to poor interests, and we need to work on stopping that with any social program they employ (which yes, is easy to say).

2019-01-06 06:02:27 UTC  

how about limiting the franchise to net taxpayers

2019-01-06 06:02:56 UTC  

That’s like saying a boat should have holes but those holes shouldn’t leak though if Agent Smith is to be believed

2019-01-06 06:03:46 UTC  

Wow @amlam way to look at women just as holes.... Very sexist of you.

2019-01-06 06:03:52 UTC  


2019-01-06 06:04:00 UTC  

a statistcal study done in New Zealand showed that while most men paid more in than they took out, women took like $200k more than they put in

2019-01-06 06:04:37 UTC  

*over a lifetime

2019-01-06 06:04:45 UTC  

I mean women would take out a lot less if they didn’t marry the state. But as long as women vote for the option then I guess that’ll happen

2019-01-06 06:04:57 UTC  

Fuck I think I’m being red pilled

2019-01-06 06:05:53 UTC  

@Agent Smith That happens all around the world (as i'm sure you know), but that just some of the only data we have on it.

2019-01-06 06:06:07 UTC  


2019-01-06 06:06:54 UTC  

don't get me wrong - this also means that men on disability/unemployment benefits also don't get to vote

2019-01-06 06:07:15 UTC  

@amlam Just don't go as far as Blonde, she gets annoying with it sometimes lol

2019-01-06 06:07:58 UTC  

I mean I’m all for tax payers getting more of a vote. You contribute more to the system you should get more of a say. Everyone is subject to the laws of the state so everyone gets a vote for that but not everyone is contributing the funds so those that do should get more say

2019-01-06 06:08:06 UTC  

I guess that’s what lobbying is for though

2019-01-06 06:08:10 UTC  

And campaign donations

2019-01-06 06:09:29 UTC  

Still doesn’t quite make up for it though because you have to spend extra money

2019-01-06 06:09:46 UTC  

You should just be entitled to more vote based on how much you pay in taxes

2019-01-06 06:10:07 UTC  

that would be bad actually amlam

2019-01-06 06:10:11 UTC  

@amlam I'm not really sure that system works well, (i hate to put it like this), but that will be making a tier citizen system.

2019-01-06 06:10:24 UTC  

the rich could theoretically get even richer that way

2019-01-06 06:10:46 UTC  

oh, and @amlam, if those holes are above the waterline, they don't leak

2019-01-06 06:10:53 UTC  

You would have to have a government restricted for it to work. No special favors just deciding where the money goes

2019-01-06 06:10:55 UTC  

honestly we need to get all money out of politics...but that is a pipe dream

2019-01-06 06:11:22 UTC  

When politicians spend money, there will be money in politics

2019-01-06 06:11:37 UTC  

I don't really have a problem with money in politics.

2019-01-06 06:11:51 UTC  

For me it depends where the money comes from.

2019-01-06 06:12:51 UTC  

I find it hard to square the idea that a welfare recipient and a guy who paid 500 grand in taxes get exactly the same vote though. I don’t know what to do about it but that seems retarded