Message from @Lord Zedd

Discord ID: 549107817903292418

2019-02-23 19:12:07 UTC  

no you idiot, if it were a problem in america _he wouldn't have to fake a fucking hate crime_

2019-02-23 19:12:43 UTC  

I'm not sure who said it first, but "the demand for hate crimes is more than the supply"

2019-02-23 19:12:57 UTC  

that's a great quote

2019-02-23 19:14:44 UTC  

A lot of dummies, but the worrying ones are the girl in the liberty hangout one who talks about using the student council to get "reducation camps" for conservative around the administration without triggering a lawsuit

2019-02-23 19:16:35 UTC  

UCLA was bad when I was there, and I suspect it hasn't gotten any better. I could already sense the #metoo stuff coming.

2019-02-23 19:18:44 UTC  

One of the good things about the campus is the school is divided into north and south campus, and south campus is all science and north is humanities. This meant south campus didn't have much politics going on.

2019-02-23 21:14:28 UTC  

My campus is split in a sort of similar way, I used to have to go to the area with the protests and the various solicitors for generals and stuff by lucky I'm able to spend all of my time away from there. There was one guy holding a sign telling people to vote for Democrats to stop climate change the day before the midterms, but that's the only explicitly political public thing I've seen here this year

2019-02-24 01:32:30 UTC  

Some quality journalism right here

2019-02-24 01:43:25 UTC  


2019-02-24 01:43:29 UTC  

Wear a bra

2019-02-24 01:43:37 UTC  

And an actual shirt

2019-02-24 02:20:12 UTC  

Seems like an all female team would be discriminating based on gender

2019-02-24 02:23:15 UTC  

I'm pretty sure one of the "discrimination" incidents is a team being so much better than them that they could afford to troll them for a few minutes.

2019-02-24 02:25:25 UTC  

RIOT's also assuming anything done against this team is because they're women, not for any of a multitude of other reasons

2019-02-24 02:26:09 UTC  

Like them not being very good

2019-02-24 02:40:19 UTC  

Speaking of video games, Jeremy Hambly's Exclusively Games site is up if anyone's interested in actual gaming articles instead of whatever you call Kotaku and Polygon

2019-02-24 05:11:19 UTC  

As much as i enjoy a lot of Jeremy's work (except when he is being to hyperbolic).
And hope the website works out for him and his team, i wonder how sustainable most gaming websites are long term (i know he got a lot of start up money to keep it running for a good while tho).

2019-02-24 05:58:25 UTC  

gaming sites are largely redundant in the age of twitter and social media
companies don't need press to tell their customers about shit and most information is from links and word of mouth

2019-02-24 05:58:42 UTC  

Yeah, his idea is to fund it using occasional fundraising campaigns, it definitely worked for this first round, not sure if that's going to be sustained after the hype of it being new dies down

2019-02-24 05:59:23 UTC  

I can't watch Jeremy's shit anymore it was always an effort to get through his delivery but my god the hyperbolic and overreactionary bullshit is getting old

2019-02-24 06:00:11 UTC  

yeah what does the site offer that's different besides "no politics" Kotaku et al maybe SJW shit but they do get interviews and information

2019-02-24 06:00:27 UTC  

I can see it working sorta like how community radio works maybe

2019-02-24 06:00:33 UTC  

Wholly fan funded

2019-02-24 06:01:01 UTC  

and a site like Gamasutra does still have some good industry related content, he needs a hook beyond "not like them"

2019-02-24 06:05:26 UTC  

Here's a link to the indiegogo page that mentions the features that got funded

2019-02-24 06:06:17 UTC  

Ya i saw all of that.

2019-02-24 06:07:15 UTC  

User reviews is something they're still rolling out that I look forward too, they exist other places but I'll probably trust the opinions of these users more than average

2019-02-24 06:08:23 UTC  

They've got some good writers working for them too, so there's that

2019-02-24 06:09:02 UTC  

I hope they do well.

2019-02-24 06:12:18 UTC  

The Discord has some cool people in it, I used to participate in it more but its kind of gotten too big to keep good track of

2019-02-24 06:12:20 UTC  
2019-02-24 06:13:30 UTC  

Haven't been much of a forum person since I was 14 but they have that too

2019-02-24 12:39:56 UTC  

Full cad files and tech specs for every AR-15 part.

2019-02-24 12:53:15 UTC  

I have zero desire for an AR

2019-02-24 12:53:24 UTC  

They look ugly as hell

2019-02-24 12:53:34 UTC  

I much prefer other guns