Message from @Mystic axe

Discord ID: 568190717713973249

2019-04-17 17:04:52 UTC  

Good eye, I thought he was at least 40 something lol

2019-04-17 17:26:09 UTC  

well, that headline is a really fucking dishonest way of putting it

2019-04-17 17:37:02 UTC  

People should spam the Swindon twitter account with ‘I wouldn’t even rape you’

2019-04-17 18:54:39 UTC  

this is not surprising. there have been several studies showing that republicans donate more to charity than democrats

2019-04-17 18:55:50 UTC  

it's almost as if you are a more selfish individual when you follow an ideology that bases itself on appropriating other people's property

2019-04-17 18:55:52 UTC  


2019-04-17 18:56:23 UTC  

yes, not surprising. just good to have the data and have it updated for the new presidential candidates

2019-04-17 19:02:15 UTC  

$1,166/$366,455... is pathetic

2019-04-17 21:41:27 UTC  

alberta made a good choice getting rid of Notley

2019-04-17 21:45:39 UTC  

nor a lot of people think so from the comments I’ve read, this article isn’t very nice

2019-04-17 21:47:03 UTC  

Just go to the comment section it’s unsettling

2019-04-17 21:49:11 UTC  

lmao, he won a majority

2019-04-17 21:50:14 UTC  

first comment: first trump, then ford now kenney smh
second comment: time to mine salt from the snowflakes

2019-04-17 21:51:20 UTC  

most people in alberta like jobs. most jobs in alberta are related to the energy sector. the NDP hates the energy sector

2019-04-17 21:51:25 UTC  

it was bound to happen

2019-04-17 22:00:21 UTC  

Tbh he sounds like a bit of a tool
Wants to make a news "war room" to shill Albertan energy with taxpayer $
Wants to take away charity status from oil sands critics

2019-04-17 22:01:23 UTC  

I don't know that total oil dependence/focus is the best thing for Alberta either. Dude name drops Venezuela but forgets what killed them

2019-04-17 22:01:50 UTC  

One of the first comments I saw last night called all albertans and conservatives rednecks. Then a guy called him out saying for being bigoted. Then the original poster told they guy he doesn’t know what bigoted meant.

2019-04-17 22:03:24 UTC  

I think Alberta gets excessively shit on overall and people need to stop being dicks

2019-04-17 22:03:30 UTC  

But man those are not good positions

2019-04-17 22:03:45 UTC  

Glad they're challenging the carbon tax though

2019-04-17 22:04:14 UTC  

Deregulation will be a nice experiment

2019-04-17 22:26:48 UTC  

was there a better alternative?

2019-04-17 22:26:56 UTC  

i like albertans, they're nice

2019-04-17 22:38:01 UTC  

Jordan Peterson is from Alberta. someone convince him to run

2019-04-17 22:41:04 UTC  

Seems like he lost his taste for politics when he was a teenager

2019-04-17 22:53:06 UTC  

Maybe someone could have run a moose or something

2019-04-17 22:53:31 UTC  

Jp's has much more influence on the world in his current role

2019-04-17 23:06:49 UTC  

This article is what happens when you think the Internet is real life