Message from @Mystic axe

Discord ID: 595337086257856527

2019-07-01 14:26:19 UTC  

the fact that the kid drowned is very sad. i don't feel anything for the man who drowned

2019-07-01 14:27:14 UTC  

the man had many better and logical options. first of which: don't cross the goddamn river

2019-07-01 15:13:37 UTC  

Only changes his cause for layoff. Doesn't change the fact he deserves a Nantes Bath. (¿Was the refrence too obscure? Honestly asking here...)

And if you're gonna do something stupid, like, I dunno, cross a river to sneak across a border, do it in a smart way, like, say, tie bocks of wood to your body as an improvised pfd...

Good. Hang every single Chinese puppet... From the roof.

2019-07-01 16:10:13 UTC  

Gotta love that "appropriate force"

2019-07-01 17:24:23 UTC  

They got wizards at google! Man now i want to join.

2019-07-01 17:25:18 UTC  

The pay is shit.
No, litterally, they're paid in unprocessed human feces.

2019-07-01 17:30:33 UTC  

Maybe “Grand Wizard” isn’t the best term

2019-07-01 17:31:08 UTC  

Oh wait it’s bodhi lol. Never mind you kike son of a bitch. Keep on Jewin on

2019-07-01 18:19:07 UTC  

quite donkeys

2019-07-01 18:26:36 UTC  

Daily dose of LARPing eh bodster?

2019-07-01 18:45:28 UTC  

I don't LARP bitch ass homo

2019-07-01 18:45:43 UTC  

if you weren't a donkey brained half wit you would already know that

2019-07-01 18:47:13 UTC  

This guy is my favorite

2019-07-01 18:47:17 UTC  

What's a half wit and why is it your only insult? @Deleted User

2019-07-01 19:22:35 UTC  

I'ts like a half-blood, you dirty mudblood

2019-07-01 19:33:31 UTC

2019-07-01 19:36:09 UTC

2019-07-01 19:37:02 UTC

2019-07-01 19:37:48 UTC

2019-07-01 19:39:09 UTC

2019-07-01 20:44:17 UTC  

***¡YOU TAKE THAT BACK, @Deleted User!*** @amlam is no homo, I'm the only faggot here, *¡kike!*

2019-07-01 20:45:12 UTC  

@Mystic axe can you access these links without Apple news?
I want to skim this one. I think it’s about climate change

2019-07-01 22:08:19 UTC  

Not sure, i just check apple news every now and again.

2019-07-01 22:14:45 UTC  

I found this one just searching the title

2019-07-01 22:17:46 UTC  

I love the dramatic start of "this restaurant is what it's like in Trump's America™" (I mean Canada)

2019-07-01 22:19:35 UTC  

And that the Chinese immigrant founder (couldn't confirm where he was born but based on age it seems like he would at least be a second generation immigrant) is clearly racist

2019-07-01 22:22:38 UTC  

"According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, in a written statement to the Star:

“As a general rule, Canada Day celebrations should be inclusive and welcoming, including for refugees, permanent residents and people who aspire to obtaining citizenship. Any time a service provider excludes a person because of a personal characteristic that is a prohibited ground under the Human Rights Code, the action is discriminatory unless there is a defence or exception in the Code that applies. Any final decision on whether discrimination has happened rests with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario on the facts of any application that is brought before it.”"

2019-07-01 22:24:47 UTC  

"Unfortunately the chain failed to read the room — or in this case the political climate. Its Canada Day promotion isn’t new (the Mandarin has offered it in years past) but many of us are, on account of what’s happening in the world right now, newly sensitive to issues around identity, immigration and discrimination — hence the outrage."

2019-07-01 22:27:00 UTC  

Tl:DR"I don't care if they've done it for years before this, now it's Trump's Amer-er-Canada and now we need the Human Rights Tribunal to make a judgement about discrimination at a Chinese buffet apparently"

2019-07-01 22:27:46 UTC  

Cease this faggotry, Canada

2019-07-01 22:42:07 UTC  

I dunno, has a nice ring to it... Hell, we'd even let you keep calling the new states "provinces," because what Hell, inclusion (and money, it'd cost billions to change all the forms)...

2019-07-01 22:43:07 UTC  

Next... ¿Americanido? ¿Or Americani*C*o?

2019-07-01 22:44:09 UTC  

Did i hear manifest destiny?

2019-07-01 22:47:43 UTC  

Even the poll is terrible, the top voted was in agreement...

2019-07-01 22:59:35 UTC  

*... Maybe...*