Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 618492028711600138

2019-09-03 10:03:44 UTC  

there are people opposed to them doing the rhino horn because they think we are better off educating people to not use rhino horn. i.e. people should be forced to learn why not to kill rhinos instead...

People are dumb

2019-09-03 10:03:55 UTC  

Ok, enlighten us on how lab grown meat really works then.

2019-09-03 10:05:25 UTC  

And what chemicals you're talking about.

2019-09-03 10:08:22 UTC  

basically they program yeast to grow the rhino horn

2019-09-03 10:10:43 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry Obviously there are a lot more details involved, and there are probably more complex "chemicals" like growth hormones involved to grow the stuff - I'll never claim to be an expert on how it's actually done, but the goal is to wind up with pure animal tissue without artificial fillers or anything like that. And I'm talking about a scenario where they achieve that goal.

2019-09-03 10:12:47 UTC  

@Putz I saw a thing about people growing artificial leather - think it was from fungus maybe? I'll try to find the vid...

2019-09-03 10:15:00 UTC  

Yeast milk, eh? MMMMM... Well, at least you don't have to replicate a complex structure with milk...

2019-09-03 10:15:09 UTC  

i think the party of science has done a great job villainizing anything created or modified in a lab. But realistically the fact that it is created or modified in a lab does not make it worse for you. there is the possibility it could be done that way, and there is the possibility a lab grown version could be improved

2019-09-03 10:21:37 UTC  

and if you do care about the environmentalism, seems like setting up a lab near cheap energy to produce milk would make a ton more sense in phoenix, az for example, where feed for cows is very expensive

2019-09-03 10:25:04 UTC  

Found it: Really good channel BTW

2019-09-03 10:26:33 UTC  

Also found this one when I was looking for it: This one uses lab grown collagen.

2019-09-03 10:28:12 UTC  

plus you take a place like guam or puerto rico and you can start to break their dependence on shipping for goods. I remember living in guam and food cost a fortune

2019-09-03 10:39:42 UTC  

If by "party of science" you mean the left, I'm not sure they have a monopoly on fear of lab grown food. Plenty of people on the right do as well. And I wouldn't say that caution, at the very least isn't warranted. There's a lot of history of corners being cut in harmful ways to bring down the cost of food, as well as pretty questionable uses of bioengineering. But I am somewhat optimistic that we can get to a point where these pursuits will pay off in a big way in the near future. Plus lab grown mean is a lot less gross to me than getting my protein from ground up bugs...

2019-09-03 11:01:02 UTC  

my biggest worry about the labgrown stuff is that we will reach a point one day where people will be just eating paste basically 😦

2019-09-03 11:08:05 UTC  

Part of my optimism comes from the fact that as things are right now, the real versions of things are obtainable enough that the lab grown stuff has to be up to a quality level that's comparable to compete.

2019-09-03 11:30:48 UTC  

i have no doubt that it will be, i think it will be even better than anything being made naturally

2019-09-03 11:31:32 UTC  

just look at how much farming has changed already, the tomatoes that we eat today, don't taste like the tomatoes our grandparents ate at all, they don't look the same either

2019-09-03 17:06:30 UTC  

Best I can do for ya:
The answer is still ***NO.*** That means meet, leather, IDGAF, artificial means artificial.

2019-09-03 17:11:52 UTC  

Well since we are talking about lab grown products as an option not a mandate. I am a hard yes for a competitive marketplace and potential solutions to malnutrition

2019-09-03 17:18:34 UTC  

By party of science i was mocking the left because they claim to be exactly that because of their embrace of the climate change hysteria. Then of course they refuse to ignore economic science, life sciences, gmos, etc

2019-09-03 17:31:00 UTC  

You never said mandate. I don't even need to look, I remember.
I am concerned that market forces will eventually push relatively safe REAL meat out in favor of chemical meat.

2019-09-03 17:35:12 UTC  

Thats what markets are for, to meet the desires of the public

2019-09-03 17:39:02 UTC  

it;s like you didn't even hear what walmart said. they asked people to NOT bring guns into their stores. surely no one will violate such a request

2019-09-03 18:02:23 UTC  

Does Target not sell firearms then?

2019-09-03 18:03:44 UTC  

I don't think so

2019-09-03 18:03:58 UTC  

That kinda makes them a big target.

2019-09-03 18:04:53 UTC  

a bigger Target

2019-09-03 18:05:26 UTC  

>target tried to expand here and failed within a couple years

2019-09-03 18:08:43 UTC  

Target is actually dong fairly well in the world of Amazon 2 day shipping

2019-09-03 18:11:48 UTC  

Im sure my ammo dealer will be disappointed about walmart not selling handgun ammo, lol

2019-09-03 18:12:52 UTC  

Note the "we're mobile" since he sets up shop on the side of the road and sells from the back of a panel truck

2019-09-03 18:14:36 UTC  

I thought that meant, they can send bullets through cells phones PHEW close one

2019-09-03 18:19:15 UTC  

Haha, he already posted on it

"We're still here for ya""1588182024830879"%3A%7B"page_id"%3A1588182024830879%2C"actor_id"%3A1588182024830879%2C"dm"%3A%7B"isShare"%3A1%2C"originalPostOwnerID"%3A0%7D%2C"psn"%3A"EntStatusCreationStory"%2C"post_context"%3A%7B"object_fbtype"%3A266%2C"publish_time"%3A1567531861%2C"story_name"%3A"EntStatusCreationStory"%2C"story_fbid"%3A%5B2352245625091178%5D%7D%2C"role"%3A1%2C"sl"%3A4%2C"targets"%3A%5B%7B"actor_id"%3A1588182024830879%2C"page_id"%3A1588182024830879%2C"post_id"%3A2352245625091178%2C"role"%3A1%2C"share_id"%3A0%7D%5D%7D%7D&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

2019-09-03 20:36:38 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry As much as you seem to want to act like you know way more about this than I do, the article you posted contains nothing that runs counter to my original statement.
But good for you for trying.

2019-09-03 20:58:51 UTC  

and mandy's out here telling us that 2+2=4... smh

2019-09-03 21:30:43 UTC  

¿Happy ***NOW***? Congrats, you forced me to watch (part of) a Dave RUBIN video... 🙄