Message from @Iamma Fa'Got

Discord ID: 622218278156107826

2019-09-13 22:16:30 UTC  

Woke marvel needs mcu reboot. Reboot with Squirrel Girl 1.

2019-09-13 22:16:53 UTC  


2019-09-13 22:17:03 UTC  

> Horrific! 61-Year-Old Homeowner Kills 2 of 4 Armed Home Intruders with AR-15, One Was Wearing ‘Jason’ Mask (Video)

2019-09-13 22:17:27 UTC  

not quite sure why the author says this horrific...

2019-09-13 22:18:23 UTC  

unless they mean the home intrusion itself...

2019-09-13 22:18:28 UTC  

Oh. My bad.

2019-09-13 23:00:38 UTC  

Pretty sure this article is fake news

2019-09-13 23:01:40 UTC  

My understanding is that fanta was made after Cocacola cut off the supply of coke syrup (y'know, due to ww2), and the people in the factories who mixed it make fanta out of whatever ingredients they had on hand to make an imitation

2019-09-13 23:02:04 UTC  

Cocacola did not make Fanta for the nazis

2019-09-13 23:16:34 UTC  

I cain't speak to the ingredients one way or another, but yes, Fanta was created due to sactions leveled at Germany during WWII.

2019-09-13 23:31:24 UTC  

That's a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, just because fanta was AFTER or temporally very close to sactions doesn't mean it was causal.

2019-09-13 23:34:20 UTC  

It is the case that coke was very popular among the Germans. In *A Higher Call* by Adam Makos, Franz Stigler describes how any coke that was recovered from raiding U.S. supply convoys was highly prized. In Africa, Luftwaffe pilots would tie captured bottles of coke in wet towels and attach them to their wings so they could enjoy a cold coke on return (if it didn't fall off)

2019-09-13 23:35:38 UTC  

*"**Fanta** is an orange soda drink. It was created in Germany in 1940. Fanta was created during World War II in Nazi Germany by the German Coca Cola (GmbH) bottling company. Because of the war, there was no shipping between Nazi Germany and the United States. Therefore, the German bottling plant could no longer get Coca Cola syrup. The manager of the plant, Max Keith, needed to do something to keep the plant going. He came up with a fruit flavored drink made from whatever he could find. Using apple fiber left over from lollipops and whey, from cheese makers, Fanta was created and became quite popular. The original German Fanta had a yellow color and tasted different from today's Fanta Orange; the flavor would change during the war, depending on what ingredients could be found."*

2019-09-13 23:38:42 UTC  

Whoops, my bad;
*"During the Second World War, a trade embargo was established against Nazi Germany—making the import of Coca-Cola syrup difficult. To circumvent this, Max Keith, the head of Coca-Cola Deutschland (Coca-Cola GmbH), decided to create a new product for the German market, using only ingredients available in Germany at the time, including beet sugar, whey, and apple pomace—the "leftovers of leftovers", as Keith later recalled. The name was the result of a brainstorming session, which started with Keith's exhorting his team to "use their imagination" (Fantasie in German), to which one of his salesmen, Joe Knipp, retorted "Fanta!".
"The plant was cut off from Coca-Cola headquarters during the war. After the war, The Coca-Cola Company regained control of the plant, formula, and the trademarks..."*

2019-09-13 23:44:19 UTC  


2019-09-13 23:50:23 UTC  

We accept your surrender.
Yours too, Leag.

2019-09-13 23:51:53 UTC  


2019-09-14 06:28:24 UTC  

@Legalize wonder what buttgig will have to say about his abortion doctor

2019-09-14 06:28:30 UTC  

Speaking of movies I ought to watch. . .

2019-09-14 16:47:50 UTC  


2019-09-14 18:04:21 UTC  

What a Nazi allowing those poor people to get out of poverty...

2019-09-14 21:08:29 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy
Ya, I loved being homeless; Scabies, police harrassing me, getting my car broken into at Ø2ØØ, learning to sleep with brass knuckles the 2 days a week I was allowed to sleep, it was great...

2019-09-14 21:26:54 UTC  

@Legalize it was a sick burn

2019-09-15 02:42:34 UTC  

"on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community" isn't it amazing how they all seem to speak for all gays?

2019-09-15 02:43:48 UTC  

i'm sure this 100% happened

2019-09-15 02:44:00 UTC  

I totally believe that someone actually used a luggage tag to shout their hate

2019-09-15 02:49:04 UTC  

@Agent Smith found our next fake hate crime, @Matt Christiansen.