Message from @J Edgar

Discord ID: 459192953714376718

2018-06-17 16:37:58 UTC  

people like your friends neighbor are never punished for calling the cops for normal everyday carry.

2018-06-17 16:38:45 UTC  

I think if I can prove to the police that I was doing nothing wrong, then the person who called the cops should receive the same punishment I would have received had the complaint been correct.

2018-06-17 19:21:58 UTC  

I never understood the argument that Chicago is a gun riddled shit hole because nearby states have looser gun laws.

2018-06-17 19:22:19 UTC  

It seems like the immediate response is 'yeah, but why aren't those states shit holes too?'

2018-06-17 19:25:16 UTC  

But also, there's the fact that buying a gun in another state and bringing it back to Chicago is a felony, so I'm not really seeing how that is functionally different from buying a gun from a gangbanger in town, except stupider, because it is registered to you.

2018-06-17 20:40:43 UTC  

One argument is that they don't have as large a city as Chicago

2018-06-17 20:40:59 UTC  

And larger more densely packed cities = more crime

2018-06-17 20:43:38 UTC  

There was another one too and I can't remember what it is

2018-06-19 19:19:46 UTC  

Me 3 years ago:
Oh well I don't think that's a fair characterization. Let me try to win you over with some slight humor and rigorously constructed arguments.

Me now:

2018-06-21 00:16:14 UTC  

So would we all like the kids of people commiting crimes to go to jail with their parents, or what because I've seen too many posts about how Trump is putting kids in prison camps etc as if this only just started happening and it's Trump's fault (this has been an ongoing thing, that pic people were posting over and over again which was from 2014 is photo proof that it was going on under Obama as well). I'm glad it's come to light, even if it is part of another left wing anti-trump campaign instead of a human rights thing, but we should be looking into a better way to deal with it. Does anyone have an actual plan? Not just "do what other countries do" with no explaination to what that is, but like an actual idea for what to do. Because kids whose parents commit crimes either go to other relatives or defax if both their parents are in jail. We have to do something with the kids, and since we can't necessarily stop parents with kids trying to break the law by illegally crossing the border (try as we might) blaming the government for such a terrible parenting decision isn't even close to a solution. Does anyone have an actual solution, or is this just another attempt to whine until something bad sticks with Trump's name? Because Russian colliusion, and other faulty accusations tend to just drop over time on this witch hunt. We gonna come up with an actual solution better than what's currently implemented or wait until this one drops quietly too?

2018-06-21 00:17:30 UTC  

I came up with an actual solution. You'll have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to see it though

2018-06-21 00:24:02 UTC  

@HeroicOvenmitt what gets me is that if we adopt rampant socialism, we'd be the only socialist country in the world to have a lax immigration policy.....for a reason

2018-06-21 02:37:36 UTC

2018-06-21 02:37:51 UTC  

Its getting worse

2018-06-21 03:02:10 UTC  

just let the fucking muzzies blow it all up

2018-06-21 03:02:19 UTC  

allahu motherfucking ackbar

2018-06-21 03:07:56 UTC  

I can't microphone is 40 miles away

2018-06-21 03:08:16 UTC  

and I'll be next

2018-06-21 03:08:42 UTC  

I'll ask him about it. I want to hear it from his side

2018-06-21 03:08:51 UTC  

I'm in another server with him

2018-06-21 03:09:03 UTC  


2018-06-21 18:29:19 UTC  

imma puke

2018-06-21 18:29:25 UTC  

fucking burn it w/ fire

2018-06-21 21:53:45 UTC  

Why do children need a dating service?

2018-06-21 21:54:34 UTC  

Because some of us are home schooled and lonely

2018-06-21 22:00:49 UTC  

because a certain subsect of the population enjoys sexualizing children, and forcing sexualization onto children

2018-06-21 22:23:32 UTC  

it's a dating service to match young boys to 40ish year old men

2018-06-21 22:24:19 UTC  

I remember how the Left mocked conservatives for believing that accepting gay marriage was a slippery slope

2018-06-21 22:26:10 UTC  

slippery slope to what??

2018-06-21 22:26:33 UTC  

pedofilia apparently

2018-06-21 22:27:18 UTC  

I still support gay marriage, but it's insane how far the Left keeps pushing the Overton Window with regards to sexuality

2018-06-21 22:32:12 UTC  

why is the government even in marriage??

2018-06-21 22:32:47 UTC  

the tax incentives were designed to reward people who wanted to create the next generation, but now even with the incentives, birth rates are declining

2018-06-21 22:34:12 UTC  

There is no practical purpose to incentivizing gay marriage, nor is there really any purpose to giving the tax breaks to the DINK families

2018-06-22 13:41:49 UTC  

marriage recognized by the government can be used to get the wealth of a deceased in a case when will was not written

2018-06-28 03:26:57 UTC  

this is nt going to work tonight...

2018-06-28 03:27:21 UTC  

wife is chatty... i should pay her some attention

2018-06-28 23:02:28 UTC  

Did Matt die while on the computer?

2018-07-10 21:59:16 UTC  


2018-07-12 03:26:59 UTC  
