Discord ID: 246088472673124354
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Hey everyone, first time on discord, happy to be here
So how many of you guys have had "shitposting" from your facebook/social media friends about the trump victory
does anyone know how to get bluetooth mic to work on this
thats insane
And these protestors were worried about us not accepting the outcome
the hypocricy
go to the roll call and type that into the chat
please pick me matt, first time caller
I know
I did
Im back
@Matt Christiansen I'm back
still here matt
hey everyone, sign up for crtv for louder with crowder, NotgayJared just got tazed, and crowder will be waterboarded at 2000 subs
I can't get my sound to work
Help plz
I've got the same problem
Well, we've got a mortitorium on many war torn countries right now, your country might be added to it if it is war torn as you say
wrong chart room scott
Good day, and good night all. Until next time, I've been Chris2theJ
Vincit Omnia Veritas
Minds is great, I'm already on there. Trying to make it my "home" if/when I become a political commentator
How dare you @Picassoใ My prefered pronouns are asdfghjkl;' and ';lkjhgfdsa
Please use them
its fake, just a joke
This is waht I was talking about
But it is suspicious
Its not on in two weeks (aka july 4th) but I think its on tonight
oh well
So would we all like the kids of people commiting crimes to go to jail with their parents, or what because I've seen too many posts about how Trump is putting kids in prison camps etc as if this only just started happening and it's Trump's fault (this has been an ongoing thing, that pic people were posting over and over again which was from 2014 is photo proof that it was going on under Obama as well). I'm glad it's come to light, even if it is part of another left wing anti-trump campaign instead of a human rights thing, but we should be looking into a better way to deal with it. Does anyone have an actual plan? Not just "do what other countries do" with no explaination to what that is, but like an actual idea for what to do. Because kids whose parents commit crimes either go to other relatives or defax if both their parents are in jail. We have to do something with the kids, and since we can't necessarily stop parents with kids trying to break the law by illegally crossing the border (try as we might) blaming the government for such a terrible parenting decision isn't even close to a solution. Does anyone have an actual solution, or is this just another attempt to whine until something bad sticks with Trump's name? Because Russian colliusion, and other faulty accusations tend to just drop over time on this witch hunt. We gonna come up with an actual solution better than what's currently implemented or wait until this one drops quietly too?
@J Edgar whats your show called again?
You guys can follow me on minds and gab at chris2thej
i think so
Just makes it that much easier for the gop to defeat them
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