Message from @Agent Smith
Discord ID: 582951963566800913
Thought it was officially the democratic republic of buttstuffistan
California Uber Alles
@DJ_Anuz they accept credit/debit, but not at the booths. you sign up for a rfid unit and it bills your account. they call it FasTrak
I'm not signing up for FasTrak and sticking that stupid thing on my car for the 2 times each year I visit family in California.
not saying you should, or even could (think you need to live in cA for that), just that it exists and that is how those who live here pay via card. the toll roads in southern california are better, as you can just register your license plate and it bills you without any fees or extra equipment. iirc rental cars often come with them as well.
Yeah, I still think any toll fees in a state that makes more per gallon in taxes than the oil industry are retarded.
Usually the guy charging to go over the bridge is the bad guy.
Found the Yellow Vest terrorist
the toll roads (at least in socal) are privately owned, and are way better maintained than any of the public roads. imo abolish any road taxes/gas taxes and privatize the roads. they do a better job anyway
I don't think that would be a good thing (tho i'm all for lowing taxes).
wouldnt be worse than it currently is
it would of course be another natural monopoly, like utils
A huge majority of US roads are built privately
Because of the technology we have now, the roads are a necessary function of the state. There are plenty of other wasteful spending examples (*coughBarackMedcough*) to pick on.
Not a function of the fed though, should be managed locally. Only a function of federal if/how it relates to military
litres or gallons, that's a great price
It’s not a great price if it’s liters
That’s over a dollar more a gallon than I pay if it’s liters
must have been 2001 since I saw that price - before 9/11
When i was in italy, their cost for fuel per liter was equivalent to our cost per Gallon in Jersey.
these perpetual wars is hell on petrol prices
I also live right on the gulf coast so gas is pretty close to the cheapest in America. I think I paid 2.25 per gallon for gas on Sunday
... Ok, let's come back to that a bit latter...
@Agent Smith
It's the dwindling supply, all the prices do now is advance the need to find a replacement *within 1Ø years.*
How many people are regularly playing on this server?
I'll get on when I'm free at nights
I'm asking cause I'd be interested in playing if it's popular
There was 10 or so the other night.
I wanna play, but I dont know the email to migrate my old acount
i had this exact same problem a couple months ago
i fixed it and i forget how
There's a couple different ways, but I have nothing. A friend bought it like a decade ago