Message from @Hawk1213

Discord ID: 641839874613444608

2019-11-06 00:39:40 UTC  

I mean I can tell you where the problem lies but I'm sure you know already

2019-11-06 00:53:00 UTC  

I have a strange problem with BitChute and the Brave browser. Can't get a reply from the support folks and can't find anyone else with this issue so i'll post it here and hope.

When I logon I can see my feed just fine.
When I click on a video (or any link) I get a error message from the web page.
However if I right click on the video and open it in another tab it works just fine.
Now the weird part, If I don't log in I don't get an error.
Also if I use a different browser it works if i'm logged in or not.

Latest version of Brave.

2019-11-06 00:54:10 UTC  

Was gonna comment on my not having run into this but then I remembered I use Iridium on desktop

2019-11-06 00:55:11 UTC  

its very strange

2019-11-06 00:58:49 UTC  

***On Lies P2;* Acceptable *Lies.***
There are some lies we can all accept; To avoid self-incrimination, unnecessry embarrassment, and self-doxxing, to avoid minor and/or needless battles, and to protect other.
The first three should be self-explanatry, and I won't insult those who understand simple concepts here.
In the avoidance of needless battles, telling *a little lie* that, while perhaps not helpful to your own case, is *not hurtful* to another's, is generally acceptable, but consider carefully the lie you entertain; While it may seem unhurtful to ***YOU,*** it may well be hurtful to others.
Case study:
PTSD is a buzzword, implying *'a dangerous or disturbed individual, prone to violent outbursts.'* This holds doubly true for *militry* related PTSD.
And while we claim collectively to honor veterans, we continue to use the scare tactic of *"militry veteran suffering from PTSD"* every time a vet so much as sneezes on the sidewalk, whether it's actually true or not.
We might see the PTSD as a mitigation against men's team, but it become an aggravating factor against potential rehabilitation, *"a trained attack dog, nothing more."*
In the next consideration is lies to protect others, such as not telling them about a matter that, should they know, might create for them difficulties; Pretending to be fine as you go to work, even though your sick as a dog, for example.
But again, consideration should be given not to the effect on you but upon others; While telling my daughter she's adopted would be deeply hurtful to her, and therefore lying to her about it gives her comfort, lying to my colleagues about being sick exposed them to whatever I have, placing thier health at risk.

2019-11-06 01:05:05 UTC  

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (aka. Shell Shock) does not equate to a person prone to violent outbursts. That is certainly a possibility but it is not a guarantee of the outcome. People who have been in vehicular accident's for example can acquire PTSD but are rarely if ever violent. I think it depends on the type of stressor that caused the disorder.

2019-11-06 02:47:09 UTC  

Shell shock is what they now call Truamatic Brain Injury. There's a fascinating film (actually shot *on film,* unfortunately it's a silent film).
Type of stressor can influence effect.

2019-11-06 02:54:58 UTC  

TBI is not Shell Shock. Shell Shock can't cause TBI. TBI is a physical injury

2019-11-06 03:01:05 UTC  

Shell Shock is at the core an emotional injury

2019-11-06 03:01:34 UTC  

For instance with Shell Shock you couldn't have aphasia

2019-11-06 03:01:47 UTC  

But with a TBI its likely

2019-11-06 03:29:32 UTC  

I originally made that for someone specific.

2019-11-06 20:54:14 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry another honest question: why do you have PTSD? You weren't in combat if I recall correctly, so was it from your time on the street?

2019-11-06 21:57:08 UTC  

he made mention of having MST (Military Sexual Trauma) a while back, and that lying was a trigger. But thats about all that he's divulged.

2019-11-07 01:56:01 UTC  

How do you set up payments on youtube?

2019-11-07 01:56:17 UTC  

I'm trying to figure out why my google play link isn't connecting.

2019-11-07 01:57:12 UTC  

An initiation (hazing) got carried out of control.
My homelessness made it worse.

*EDIT:* Lest any should berate Ceph... It was a legitimate question. One I *choose* not to discuss in too much detail.

2019-11-07 01:57:37 UTC  

Hazing gave you ptsd?

2019-11-07 01:58:22 UTC  
2019-11-07 03:22:30 UTC  

Modern Warfare lobby this weekend?

2019-11-07 13:12:39 UTC  

I love this quote by Winston Churchill: "Of this I am certain, that if we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future and Epstein didnt kill himself."

2019-11-07 20:02:24 UTC  

Visionary. Philosopher. Psychic.

2019-11-07 22:38:48 UTC  

TF is this => <:kevinflanagan:635353912961925120>

2019-11-07 22:40:52 UTC  

i can't tell

2019-11-07 22:41:43 UTC  

also @Legalize this place is looking more like cyberpunk 2077 since coming back

2019-11-08 01:25:08 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist, ¿you don't think Clive made up that CHURCHILL *"... EPSTEIN didn't kill himself"* quote do you? 😂

Ya, you're not the first to say it. 😒

2019-11-08 01:34:10 UTC  

What the fuck are you on about, boomer?

2019-11-08 02:03:05 UTC  

Learn to read before responding. 🤣😉

2019-11-08 02:06:17 UTC  

I'll post the full size kevin selfie when I get home

2019-11-08 02:06:28 UTC  


2019-11-08 02:07:58 UTC  


2019-11-08 02:17:30 UTC  

suck my dick nerd

2019-11-08 02:19:21 UTC  

Gonna have to wait until Dec 01, famalam.

2019-11-08 05:32:04 UTC  

Ok boomer is so funny I hope it never dies... like the boomers will...any day now

2019-11-08 05:54:54 UTC  

¿Can anyone identify what this thing is called? The shackle is spring loaded, in the Guard we called these safety snap hooks...

2019-11-08 05:57:58 UTC  


2019-11-08 05:58:00 UTC  

fuck i used to know

2019-11-08 05:59:47 UTC  


2019-11-08 05:59:52 UTC  

it's called a carbiner @Mandatory Carry