Message from @Putz

Discord ID: 589237596249653248

2019-06-14 19:18:32 UTC  

Btw the military still funds education. Loose 30 pounds, figure out how to do a pushup, and you can get job training and education in one package while being productive

2019-06-14 19:29:16 UTC  

Businesses should be able to pay people less if they pay people's student loans

2019-06-14 19:51:43 UTC  

Many business do have loan forgiveness programs as do states. Just another form of compensation

2019-06-14 19:53:06 UTC  

Another reason whe education shouldn't be free, it would remove market forces from modifying career choices. So people pick jobs based on passion but many people follow the money

2019-06-14 19:56:08 UTC  

Still doesn't solve the problem of the current student loan debt crisis.

I think more and more people will stop going to college, but that's just because the societal expectation is shifting (partly due to the crisis)

2019-06-14 19:57:16 UTC  

Like I get that people are dumb for going to college and racking up debt, but it kind of has been the societal norm, and if something isn't done, they're just going to vote socialist which will fuck up everybodies lives.

2019-06-14 20:37:12 UTC  

Two wrongs dont make a right, forcing society to pay for college is wrong

2019-06-14 21:44:34 UTC  

I understand not wanting them to get pushed towards socialism for their shitty choices. We dont want socialists.

But it's their shitty choices, they need to deal with them, it's not my fault they wanted to get a $150,000 loan to go to some shitty college and get a degree that doesn't matter. They need to figure out how to deal with it on their own. If they didn't want to be paying off $150k for the rest of their life they probably shouldn't have took the loan?

The government needs to stop loaning money

2019-06-14 22:26:25 UTC  

Also keep in mind that student loans isn't just education. Its your entire cost of living while attending school, room, board, transportation, computers, etc

2019-06-14 22:27:47 UTC  

Some will do the right thing and live very conservatively to cut down on the debt, but many don't. They borrow from the future to have a better life today

2019-06-14 22:29:35 UTC  

My wife got her doctorate without any school loans. Our neighbor who was in her graduating class finished with 200k of debt. The school didn't make him 200k in debt, lifestyle choices did. And those choices should not be rewarded

2019-06-14 22:31:17 UTC  

if they lock his interest or forgive his loan or whatever idea they come up with. My wife and my sacrifices will be in vain. In what world is that fair. What behaviours do we want to encourage?

2019-06-14 22:44:21 UTC  

The problem is that these people literally are unable to make a dent in their loans.

I'm not advocating paying for their student loans, but if we freeze interest after 10 years of graduation then they at least have a chance, and the lending agency's still will make significant profit off of the students.

It wouldn't even effect government spending, the only people it would hurt is the predetory nature of education loan sharks.

2019-06-14 22:44:58 UTC  

Ideally I would like the govt so stop guaranteeing student loans at the same time so that the cost of education can normalize.

2019-06-14 22:46:10 UTC  

A lot of millennials will be stuck paying interest for the rest of their lives and never be able to pay off their loans otherwise, and before you know it, Bernie Sanders is president.

2019-06-14 22:48:25 UTC  

And 18-19 year olds are not old enough to fully comprehend the economic choices of their actions. Most normies grow up being indoctrinated to go to college, so it's not so black and white to just say "it was their choice so they should deal with the consequences."

2019-06-14 23:15:08 UTC  

I mean sure it might work/help but only for the loans that people have already taken

2019-06-14 23:15:16 UTC  

You dont want to incentivise more of it

2019-06-14 23:20:31 UTC  

Even if it was for new loans I wouldn't have a problem with it.

The APR on student loans are massive. Within ten years most people will have spent more than 100% interest on their loan. More than enough for the credit agencies to turn a profit, and people will get loans regardless of the interest freeze until our societal opinion of higher education shifts. (Which it already is)

2019-06-14 23:24:33 UTC  

Fair enough

2019-06-14 23:39:50 UTC  

Why do you say they "literaly" can't make a dent in their loans. Dave ramsey guides people out of their mistakes all the time. Your saying the dave ramsey plan couldn't help them? They made mistakes, they can make the sacrfices to make amends

2019-06-14 23:40:02 UTC  

Why should society pay for their mistakes?

2019-06-14 23:40:48 UTC  

Interest free loans still is a burden on society

2019-06-14 23:42:33 UTC  

Education loan sharks? Its a business. You have the power to accept or forgo the contract. In fact you can take out a new contract if you don't like the terms of the old contract

2019-06-14 23:44:24 UTC  

What your really advocating for is trying to buy support from the populace. If your going to do that then the support should be bought universally not to help the overly priveldged college grad

2019-06-14 23:45:45 UTC  

You say they are doubling their money every ten years. That's not a good investment and it doesn't account for people delinquencies in payments

2019-06-14 23:45:45 UTC  

🆙 | **Putz leveled up!**

2019-06-14 23:47:24 UTC  

You can get a better rate of return on the stock market, without the overhead of running a business

2019-06-14 23:49:22 UTC  

The average student loan debt is 37k, that's not a lot of money. Individually its not a crisis, the crisis is in how many people are taking that debt

2019-06-15 00:11:28 UTC  

Issue is that education isn't an asset, you can't sell it on some secondary market for a return. You can only pay off education through labor. And if labor wages are depressed because there's triple the amount of people in the workforce the time scales to pay off student loans will be longer than a lot of real estate. That is because education only depreciates. It's literally a shitty car as far as going in debt for it.
Then you have rising healthcare costs due to similar reasons (anti-competitive practices more than anything else). What this means is that discretionary spending is falling through the floor which is why all these "crowd-sharing apps" are popping up
When you don't have people blowing money and stupid shit instead of say education and healthcare it causes the economy to lag as the major generation of wealth is in education and health care which are very scalable (easier for 1 person to teach 200 people than it is for 1 person to supply 200 beers)
This doesn't even get into addressing how any of this can be fixed, just that someone going into 150k debt for education is society's problem already, even not accounting for that debt being funded by tax payers

2019-06-15 00:47:38 UTC  

The answer is higher interest rates. Higher interest rates discourage borrowing and increase saving

2019-06-15 00:48:08 UTC  

Stop trading your future for today

2019-06-15 00:49:31 UTC  

The real problem is that the department of educations sets stupid standards for universities. G

2019-06-15 00:50:19 UTC  

Schools have to put alot of money into these public works that it means higher tuition

2019-06-15 00:50:54 UTC  

They only have to do it if they get government funding

2019-06-15 00:51:06 UTC  

Renounce the funding and you can run it like a business

2019-06-15 00:51:34 UTC  

Same for elementary education in the states public school system s

2019-06-15 00:51:45 UTC  

To be fair going to college isn't a must

2019-06-15 00:52:22 UTC  

You have so many people getting degrees for a job that will pay the same as a minimal wage job

2019-06-15 00:52:31 UTC  

But you go 50k in debt for it

2019-06-15 00:52:50 UTC  

Mike rowe has been trying to get that point across forever