Message from @uncephalized

Discord ID: 611737697614036996

2019-08-15 17:10:17 UTC  

@uncephalized, no, a, you really didn't, and b, yes, it did; "¿A second exploit? ... Don't start on him, skid, he might be onto something..."*

2019-08-15 17:17:09 UTC  

A second exploit? NAY I SAY!

2019-08-15 18:11:04 UTC  

Almost, yes. But most people won't commit felonies for lulz.

2019-08-15 18:20:29 UTC  

But Mandy is different. You know your name here is 3 girl names?
Manda Tory Carrie

2019-08-15 19:10:35 UTC  

Fuck you, that's funny!🤣

2019-08-15 22:23:23 UTC  

Let me guess; The fact that I'm laughing (harder than y'all) at the joke (at my expense) scares ya...
¿Close? 😂

2019-08-16 00:09:19 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry why are you so dedicated to the narrative that I would lie about something so trivial as reading a thousand or so words of poorly spelled pseudo-legalese?

2019-08-16 01:29:01 UTC  

Because you didn't.
You read what you *wanted* to read.

Three people here along caught it. You never have, and Leg, I could point it out to him and he'd never accept it. He's too dedicated to the *"wild wild west"* narrative to see what...
Is already there.
Edit: Pink Pistols, when I sent to them, even called in the first line of thier reply... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

2019-08-16 01:29:44 UTC  

I'm sorry what are we arguing about?

2019-08-16 01:31:06 UTC  

@A. Spader
Very long story about people who WON'T read. Or maybe just accept they're wrong... 😔😔😔😔

2019-08-16 01:31:42 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry no, I mean what's the topic

2019-08-16 01:32:16 UTC  

what is it that people aren't reading?

2019-08-16 01:32:56 UTC  

*I'd like to hear what fantasy Leg is gonna tell you.*
Indulge me. 😉

2019-08-16 01:35:19 UTC  

well in the meantime show me the legislation you're proposing

2019-08-16 01:35:28 UTC  

I assume it's a modern take on the Militia Act @Mandatory Carry ?

2019-08-16 01:38:29 UTC  

where can I find the specs?

2019-08-16 01:42:53 UTC  

yeah I'm just seeing facebook posts

2019-08-16 01:43:15 UTC  

with Zucc trying to get me to join his site taking up the entire lower side

2019-08-16 01:44:22 UTC  

alright found it

2019-08-16 01:44:53 UTC  

what are your objections @Legalize beyond the compulsion to carry and own firearms?

2019-08-16 01:47:12 UTC a simple text version if needed

2019-08-16 01:48:06 UTC  

Was going to add that.

2019-08-16 01:48:14 UTC  

Automatic gun registry built-in.

2019-08-16 01:48:18 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:48:24 UTC  

seems poorly thought out

2019-08-16 01:48:46 UTC  

how do you enforce this without a registry?

2019-08-16 01:48:52 UTC  

you couldn't

2019-08-16 01:49:50 UTC  

I guess the benefit is every private citizen is armed, but to be honest alot of people are just gonna by a hipoint and stuff it down their pants

2019-08-16 01:50:12 UTC  

Also you can just pay an exorbitant exemption fee (hundreds of dollars a month), meaning that poor people are going to be forced to comply while wealthy people will just get out of it with money if they want.

2019-08-16 01:50:15 UTC  

🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Legalize can't even get the name right... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hey, you finally found it... Months ago.

Oh good, you two STFU, @A. Spader
Please... Continue. This may well be useful

2019-08-16 01:50:31 UTC  

I'm not saying I don't thing they should have guns

2019-08-16 01:50:43 UTC  

unless you're adjudicated homeless in which case you are exempt...

2019-08-16 01:50:51 UTC  

but if people are forced to do something alot of them are just going to take the easy way out

2019-08-16 01:50:54 UTC  
2019-08-16 01:50:59 UTC  

@Legalize STFU.

2019-08-16 01:51:00 UTC  

you liar

2019-08-16 01:51:04 UTC  

no u

2019-08-16 01:51:13 UTC  

Is MC lying again?

2019-08-16 01:51:21 UTC  

well his fingers are typing, so...

2019-08-16 01:51:27 UTC  

Hey, ¿you two wanna learn or keep shouting?

2019-08-16 01:51:37 UTC  

I assume the guns will have some sort of tracking so people don't simply refuse to comply with the law and sell their guns for something else they want?