Message from @C1PHER

Discord ID: 619666394979500032

2019-09-06 22:25:30 UTC  

hey man, his bill includes laser guns and energy weapons be grateful

2019-09-06 22:25:34 UTC  

So my belt, being a component in bump firing, is a machinegun

2019-09-06 22:25:35 UTC  

pew pew

2019-09-06 22:25:56 UTC  

I'll just get it registered and away I go

2019-09-06 22:28:10 UTC  

*"I'd like to register this pillow as a form 1 supressor"*

2019-09-06 22:29:16 UTC  

Every American citizen with a bed is not in compliance with the NFA 😎 😎 😎

2019-09-06 22:30:17 UTC  

If I understand it correctly it's sort of dumber than that

2019-09-06 22:30:58 UTC  

See, it's not illegal to own a shoestring, but it's illegal to use your shoestring as a conversion component, so you would need to license your shoestring as a machine gun to use it for that purpose

2019-09-06 22:31:23 UTC  

I think they later changed their decision on the shoestrings, but it could easily happen again

2019-09-06 22:31:33 UTC  

Or could happen with some similarly innocuous item

2019-09-06 22:32:45 UTC  

@A. Spader
It's close enough. A little more latitude for future technologies, though.
Ehem, it treats them all the same, though.

***@Clive WINS!***
Ya, he "got one over on me" (by sniffing out the secret); AR-15 or C-4Ør (rail gun) or Klingon Disruptor, they're all the same for enforcement...
*If that technology ever comes...*
Which it might.

2019-09-06 22:34:16 UTC  

Well if Elon Musk can make a Flamethrower, I'm sure he can make a rifle-sized Railgun

2019-09-06 22:34:25 UTC  

I'll take 2

2019-09-06 22:34:58 UTC  

Fr tho

2019-09-06 22:35:14 UTC  

I think flamethrowers are covered...
Not saying it's a great idea, just covered...

2019-09-06 22:35:28 UTC  

Aren't they banned by Genenva convention?

2019-09-06 22:35:28 UTC  

Flamethrowers for snow clearing

2019-09-06 22:35:55 UTC  

The Geneva Convention... πŸ˜‚

2019-09-06 22:36:05 UTC  

i know i know, but stilll

2019-09-06 22:37:12 UTC  

Geneva convention: bans hollow points
Iron forged bullets: "I'm about to end this man's career"

2019-09-06 22:53:01 UTC  

I think hollow points was the Hague convention

2019-09-06 22:55:53 UTC  

Ahh you right

2019-09-06 23:06:36 UTC  

One of those random facts where I'm always That Guy

2019-09-06 23:07:33 UTC  

idk what you mean

2019-09-06 23:09:20 UTC  

Somebody mentions Geneva and hollow points, then I come in like "WELL AKCHUALLY"

2019-09-07 00:01:01 UTC  

If a rich white infirtile couple that descended from slaves owners adopt a black child, does that black child have huwite privelege?

2019-09-07 00:50:52 UTC  

No, because huwhite privilege is also from looking huwhite

2019-09-07 00:51:31 UTC  

which is why colourism happened

2019-09-07 00:54:13 UTC  

white passing privilege

2019-09-07 01:11:40 UTC  

Yes *they are* banned... In international war.
A ban that's never been scrupulously observed.

They are not banned in internal conflicts (civil war, etc.). Yes, you can use gas against your own people, *as despicable as such action is.* πŸ˜”

2019-09-07 02:52:18 UTC  

Has war ever been about survival?

2019-09-07 02:52:43 UTC  

No one goes to war TO survive. They go to war to conquer or stop a bad guy

2019-09-07 03:00:55 UTC  

'Stop a bad guy' could be survival...

2019-09-07 03:07:06 UTC  

I meant nobody declares war for survival

2019-09-07 03:07:16 UTC  

Maybe they join as a last resort

2019-09-07 05:00:28 UTC  

Well, war sort of was for survival before the idea of free markets.

2019-09-07 06:06:42 UTC  


2019-09-08 09:00:49 UTC  

Non AR-15/M-16 STANAG 4179 compatible firearms:
Ares SCR
Armalite AR-18ØB
Beretta AR-7Ø/9Ø
Beretta ARX-16Ø
Beretta Rx4 Storm
Bernardelli VB-SR
Benelli MR-1
Bofors Carl Gustaf Ak-5
Bushmaster ACR
Bushmaster M-17S
Daewoo K-1, -2, -3, and -11
DiseΓ±os Casanave SC-2005
FAD assault rifle
Fateh assault rifle
FN Minimi/M-249 SAW
Fort Ellis XR-86
FaB 556
Heckler & Koch G-41
Howa Type 89
IMBEL IA-2 and MD-2
IMI Negev and Tavor TAR-21
IWI Tavor X-95 and Galil ACE N
Kel-Tec PLR-16, RDB, and SU-16
Magpul PDR
MSAR STG 556 "E4 Model"
Nabi assalt rifle
Norinco QBZ-97
Norinco Type Ø3 (export models)
Pindad SS-1, -2, and -3
Robinson Armaments M-96 "Expeditionary Rifle"
Robinson Armaments XCR
Rung Paisarn RPS-ØØ1
SA-8Ø Series

2019-09-08 14:13:56 UTC  

remember David beat Goliath with that weapon of war sling shot...

2019-09-08 14:14:08 UTC  

sling shot control NOW!

2019-09-08 14:44:46 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry doesn't the desert tech halo looking rifle also take STANAG mags?