Message from @A. Spader

Discord ID: 624079452749561874

2019-09-19 02:42:26 UTC  

B-but what if the shooter uses .50 BMG?

2019-09-19 02:43:11 UTC  

what if they use a gau-8?

2019-09-19 02:43:58 UTC  

>Zoomers resort to grandfathered weaponry for their sprees once the AR15s have been yeeted under threat of nuke
>media learns what .308 and .50 do to structures and living beings

2019-09-19 02:46:23 UTC  

.45 acp or .5 ae ?

2019-09-19 02:46:31 UTC  

Hard choice

2019-09-19 02:46:32 UTC  

I would not disarm under threat of nukes.

2019-09-19 02:46:52 UTC  

I would dare them

2019-09-19 02:47:11 UTC  

I dont think Zoomers are able to arm themselves circa 1940 standards on a regular basis either

2019-09-19 02:48:28 UTC  

But when Matt "Give me 2a or it's bombs away" Christiansen is forced to crusade, maybe they'll figure it out

2019-09-19 02:48:40 UTC  


2019-09-19 02:48:57 UTC  

idk, I just really like the 45

2019-09-19 02:49:15 UTC  

Call it a personal bias but the m1911 is still my favorite pistol

2019-09-19 02:49:44 UTC  

I have a shitposting video for you when I get back on WiFi

2019-09-19 02:49:50 UTC  

If it hasn't been yeeted

2019-09-19 02:50:26 UTC  


2019-09-19 02:50:31 UTC  

I'll have to look at it after work

2019-09-19 03:07:08 UTC  

>boogaloo time

2019-09-19 03:07:09 UTC  


2019-09-19 03:08:44 UTC  

that's hilarious

2019-09-19 03:08:56 UTC  

hickok biking with the uzi always gets me

2019-09-19 03:09:15 UTC  

The uzi is actually a fun gun

2019-09-19 03:09:22 UTC  

all hail zeh j00s

2019-09-19 03:09:27 UTC  

I liked the galil, too

2019-09-19 03:09:58 UTC  

not a galil fan but the uzi is based

2019-09-19 03:10:30 UTC  

I'm interested to check out the new IWI 9mm gat too

2019-09-19 03:11:13 UTC  

looked great on Military Arms

2019-09-19 03:13:36 UTC  

also hate the tavor but that's just because it looks like a discount halo gun

2019-09-19 03:14:55 UTC  

Then you're whole upper torso will explode, as will the the bulkhead behind you.

2019-09-19 03:15:28 UTC  

But muh backpack

2019-09-19 03:31:45 UTC  

@Beemann lots of old timers have a bolt action .308 squirreled away somewhere. My dad's got two. Great rifle.

2019-09-19 03:32:12 UTC  

Reminds me I really should drop a few hundred $ on a newer optic for mine.

2019-09-19 04:43:32 UTC  

Ya, your backpack will catch *some* of your guts.
Remember, the .5Ø BMG was originally developed as *an anti-tank gun,* and still has some efficacy in degrading tank capabilities (how much is luck and how much is skill we'll never know because they dropped the entire building after that)...

2019-09-19 06:56:56 UTC  


2019-09-19 07:14:21 UTC  

It's funny, because CA banned .5Ø BMG's because *"ZOMG, YOU CAN SHOOT DOWN A PLANE WITH ONE!"* even though outside of WWII that's never happened (and those were Kamakazi runs), but in so doing, they created another (**REAL**) problem (Barrett Arm's president Ron BARRET has refused all sales, *even by proxy,* to CA law enforcement) and, to get around the ban, Barret Arms created the .416, which is debateably better (

2019-09-19 07:15:50 UTC  

they banned all .50s, so no .50 AE, no s&w .500, no .50 beowulf

2019-09-19 07:16:12 UTC  

im betting because they watched some hollywood movie with a .50

2019-09-19 14:28:30 UTC  

An open letter to <@347570795767398400>

2019-09-19 14:28:39 UTC  

Hey Matt,

I was just thinking about the caller from last night, PiusXIII, asking whether the legal system should reflect the culture. My thoughts on this is mostly yes and no. The way I think it works is the culture sits on top of the legal system while simultaneously feeding/building it. We discussed it briefly in discord and he gave the analogy of culture being people on the roof of a building and the legal system being the guard rail around the edge keeping people from falling off. It’s a good analogy but he believes the culture should be the constant and the legal system being changed to suit the culture. I don’t think this is entirely accurate. The culture is in constant shift due to the circumstances of reality e.g. the advances in technology, medicine, sciences in general, and so on. The culture must interact under these new circumstances in order to find the best mode of being in such a state. From this information we define what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Come to think of it this might be how we arrive at religions. If you create a legal structure that is sound and the rules it creates can be applied universally then this might be how you get to self-discipline to follow certain religious rules that are tried and true. Still trying to work this out in my mind, would love to hear your thoughts on it.

2019-09-19 16:49:54 UTC  

@Legalize I think atheists do have a point of you can't ignore the fact that scientific development will continue to occur as long as nothing restricts it. I think the problem with the religiously inclined that aren't up to date with all the advancements haven't figured out how these advancements should be utilized in relation to natural law/morality. A prime example of this is birth control. Since its creation, we as a society don't yet understand how to morally exist with it being so prevalent.

2019-09-19 17:09:57 UTC  

@Ragglefraggle07 I disagree with that. For the most part, technology only achieves what’s already been done faster. There really isn’t anything explicitly new. With the birth control example, it’s already apparent how it should be used. It should be used by married couples to delay pregnancy or to prevent pregnancy after the total number of children wanted/can afford is had.