Message from @J Edgar
Discord ID: 437372433981505546
Like they do with the dollar
I informed him that the federal reserve is a private bank and he had it backwards
Service writer?
The government should have no power over the dollar especially with an organization such as the FED that has zero oversight
I was under the impression that Discord runs on remote cloud servers
with admins having access to logs but promising not to use them, pinkie swear, and all that
But anyone can start a server with a client command. This tells me that discord doesn't have centralized servers, that instead any peer invited to a "server" is merely another auditor on the network that maintains the chat record and distribution.
I work at a truck dealership
Ah, that makes more sense Edgar
Hey, can I pose a question to everyone??
Go for it
I'm in
I'd like to see what your thoughts are on arming teachers. I got into a hot debate over it last night and I want some further input
if they go through the training and consent to it yes
I'm all for it however I'm with Robert on this I would like to see extensive training and prep for the teachers and it would in my mind be a volunteer thing
However I don't want to see in the case of a school shooter a bunch of teacher running around the halls hunting the shooter
But all in all I'm not opposed to it
I don't think I've ever seen anyone that believes in arming teachers suggest that they should go hunting the shooter.
The idea for me is that the teachers suddenly become able to defend their class in some way other than standing in front and taking the bullets.
The idea for me is that I want a shooter to be forced to wonder who's going to shoot back. Someone in a different server pointed out that a school resource officer is a giant billboard that says "shoot this guy first and you're home free". Which i hadn't even thought about
That is a really good point. I hadn't thought of it either.
It makes schools less of a soft target.
Concealed carried weapon
I just didn't know if you called it something different
Damn. I'm just catching upnin the chat and so far Inser that it wnt from opinions about currencies, to crypto, and to something about p2p/torrent messaging. Then goes into so.ething about discord running on remot servers. And then we are to arming teachers lol
Okay, so to get my opinion in. I want to make it a personal opinion rather than a general one (sorry not sorry about this). I would love for my kids to grow up in an all white community and I would homeschool, but if they went to public school, mynchildren would only gonto school where their teachers carried.
So I'm all about teachers carrying rather than implementing stringent gun regulation, bc that's where we are today, right? We convince the public that teachers carrying is the right alternative to stringent gun regulation for every gun owner as a solution to reckless teens.
That's a valid opinion I might disagree on the all white part but that's because I prefer women of the darker variety
And pale gingers
Haha, that's no less non - pc of an opinion than my own preference. Just as long as we all realize this, it's all good.
@Saint, I also agree with everything you said in your second to last comment.
Yeah I am in the mind set that if it doesn't interfere with the values that I uphold, then I have no problem with "free association" to be non triggering
Sorry to nit pick, but what sort of freedom of association would interfere with your values?
That is just non triggering way of saying integration
Would policy that enforces non integration interfere with your values?