Message from @Saint
Discord ID: 437416687546007552
The idea for me is that the teachers suddenly become able to defend their class in some way other than standing in front and taking the bullets.
The idea for me is that I want a shooter to be forced to wonder who's going to shoot back. Someone in a different server pointed out that a school resource officer is a giant billboard that says "shoot this guy first and you're home free". Which i hadn't even thought about
That is a really good point. I hadn't thought of it either.
It makes schools less of a soft target.
Concealed carried weapon
I just didn't know if you called it something different
Damn. I'm just catching upnin the chat and so far Inser that it wnt from opinions about currencies, to crypto, and to something about p2p/torrent messaging. Then goes into so.ething about discord running on remot servers. And then we are to arming teachers lol
Okay, so to get my opinion in. I want to make it a personal opinion rather than a general one (sorry not sorry about this). I would love for my kids to grow up in an all white community and I would homeschool, but if they went to public school, mynchildren would only gonto school where their teachers carried.
So I'm all about teachers carrying rather than implementing stringent gun regulation, bc that's where we are today, right? We convince the public that teachers carrying is the right alternative to stringent gun regulation for every gun owner as a solution to reckless teens.
That's a valid opinion I might disagree on the all white part but that's because I prefer women of the darker variety
And pale gingers
Haha, that's no less non - pc of an opinion than my own preference. Just as long as we all realize this, it's all good.
@Saint, I also agree with everything you said in your second to last comment.
Yeah I am in the mind set that if it doesn't interfere with the values that I uphold, then I have no problem with "free association" to be non triggering
Sorry to nit pick, but what sort of freedom of association would interfere with your values?
Would policy that enforces non integration interfere with your values?
I would have to say yes a big thing for me is people freedom to choose who they want to spend their time with
You do know i wrote "non integrarion," right?
Oh whoops change that nvm
I'm bad at reading... dyslexia
The ultimate question is: what would the American demographic do in an America that doesn't have integration quoatas?
Good question
America in some lite is a veey secretive tyranny, bc not only do we have i tegration policies that divides whites, but our econimic system also pressures American business (which are predominanly white owned) to hire non white leople2.
Sorry bout the grammar spelling errors...
I think that if we followed the same political course then we would still have the racism and patriarchy claims because the same problems have plagued minority communities for decades if it weren't obvious, i suppose I should state that I'm a white nationalist.
I gathered as much
I asked a white nationalist if I'm white enough for the ethnostate. Apparently I'm white enough to sully the aryans with my impure genes but I'd need a license to marry someone of equal impurity
Simply...and only bc it seems ridiculous to forsake our ancestors, and if anyone would.loke me to clarify that statement i would be glad to.
which ancestors?
The founders of the country
your ancestry goes back further than that though, does it not? can all of those ancestors get fucked?
I'm not defending that person, but there always does need to be a line, ya know. Has to be drawn somewhere.
Oh I just found it funny
he used the Nuremberg Laws iirc