Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 502579026058149888

2018-10-18 19:50:16 UTC  


2018-10-18 19:50:21 UTC  

I’m not buying a Tesla either.

2018-10-18 19:51:30 UTC  

Lol. I personally want people to buy EVs because of the technology’s merit. I don’t want mandates for them. The ev enthusiasts want mandates. I’m concerned about it.

2018-10-18 19:51:48 UTC  

Haha, _wow_

2018-10-18 19:52:03 UTC  

That’s... Huh

2018-10-18 19:52:19 UTC  

Well what do you know, environmentalists being all commie

2018-10-18 19:52:21 UTC  

What a surprise

2018-10-18 19:54:02 UTC  

Yeah. Most people would buy EVs anyways once the infrastructure gets put in place and the cars reduce in price some. Most people (like me) aren’t big car enthusiasts.

2018-10-18 19:54:15 UTC  

It’s all point a to b for me.

2018-10-18 19:56:37 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat right, and people are being turned off of the concept because of idiots

2018-10-18 19:57:45 UTC  

@Deleted User yeah it’s frustrating. I don’t know if you saw my list of grievances earlier, but the enthusiasts may ruin it for everyone if they get in control. No lie.

2018-10-18 19:58:24 UTC  

To clarify, on the whole topic of environmentalism, I don’t see anything wrong with conservation efforts

2018-10-18 19:58:48 UTC  

Me either. It how it gets achieved. That’s my issue.

2018-10-18 19:59:02 UTC  

But Jesus Christ when these people put _people_ at risk...

2018-10-18 19:59:20 UTC  

I personally care a lot about the environment, but I also care about personal liberty.

2018-10-18 19:59:27 UTC  


2018-10-18 20:02:28 UTC  

@Deleted User here’s my list. It isn’t complete, but it’s generally true

>They assume that nobody wants to drive out of town to do things, which is why half of them think that there only needs to be charging stations at home and work.

>they act as if going to the gas station is some awful, obnoxious event; even though fast charging stations will still be used.

>if you say something positive about hydrogen fuel cells, they freak out on you.

>the only reason why electric vehicles haven’t been getting any success until now is fossil fuel conspiracy theories; nothing to do with changes in battery technology.

>conflate externalities with subsidies, as if they are the same thing.

>assume that everyone will be driving an electric vehicle in 20 years because reasons.

2018-10-18 20:27:01 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat yeah, I agree with it completely

2018-10-18 20:27:15 UTC  

Funnily enough the most annoying bits are the last two points lol

2018-10-18 20:29:03 UTC  

@SteelandSouls hey, remember that conversation we had about the IG report and the Russia investigation?

2018-10-18 20:29:37 UTC  

I think I mentioned a discussion with someone whose standard was, “Yeah, but who’s been arrested, hmmmmmmm?”

2018-10-18 20:36:47 UTC  

@Deleted User yeah. It gets worse though. The 100% wind water and solar people also assume that people will willfully give up their ev battery as a grid resource when they aren’t driving.

2018-10-18 21:03:50 UTC  

we will hence further use the power of positive thinking

2018-10-18 21:08:41 UTC  

Isn't Tesla as a company being completely propped up by government subsidies?

2018-10-18 21:16:09 UTC  

In other news, I got blocked by Samwise Gamgee for pointing out to him why his political shilling isn't working.

2018-10-18 21:16:13 UTC  

I wasn't even mean.

2018-10-18 21:25:25 UTC  

Samwise Gamgee is a real person?

2018-10-18 21:25:49 UTC  

@wolfman1911 I was under the impression of the same

2018-10-18 21:26:41 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat so basically... they’re promoting that people buy electric cars and then not use those electric cars (which already have limited range to begin with) and turn people into introverts

2018-10-18 21:26:48 UTC  

Social engineering anyone?

2018-10-18 21:27:19 UTC  

I mean I’m leaning more towards that side myself but _holy shit_ the authoritarianism is strong with these cunts

2018-10-18 21:33:35 UTC  

@Deleted User not exactly that. They are relying on people having their EVs plugged in whenever not in use in order to make their 100% wind water and solar goal work out.

2018-10-18 21:44:40 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat won’t that reduce the life of the batteries?

2018-10-18 21:51:55 UTC  

@Deleted User possibly, but the real question is how tens of thousands of people would want to dedicate their car to providing this service for chump change every month. You would have to somehow supply(/absorb?) at least 10 kWh/day all year before it made sense. (Around 620 $/year at .17 c/kWh). These jokers believe that renewables will ultimately cost about 3 c/kwh, which comes out to 110 $/year for 10 kWh/day 365. How many people do you think will be able to do that or would be willing to do that? This is all assuming that the price you get is the same as retail. Very few in my opinion. The only way is to subsidize it to hell.

2018-10-18 21:52:14 UTC  

Wind and solar are pretty shite tbh

2018-10-18 21:52:53 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat which is what they did in Germany with solar, and look at how that's turning out...

2018-10-18 21:53:17 UTC  

And to an extent Australia's trying the same thing too, and it's causing me concern

2018-10-18 21:54:04 UTC  

Well Germany’s (and China’s) subsidies brought the cost of solar down for everyone; it was really expensive though.

2018-10-18 21:54:17 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat on the topic of cars, I'm wanting to start up another mini collection, but focusing more on Holdens/Mercs/BMW's in this instance

2018-10-18 21:54:53 UTC  

I still have two Audi's and the Mazda as mentioned, but one is lent to a mate of mine as a rental car, so that's making money at least

2018-10-18 21:55:07 UTC  

And yeah, but did it actually solve their energy problems?