Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 521639294558011402

2018-12-10 02:30:16 UTC  

All of these things can be true at once

2018-12-10 02:30:31 UTC  


2018-12-10 02:31:05 UTC  

So what is the deal with Blonde? She used to be quite active and now has resurged?

2018-12-10 02:31:22 UTC  

Also she is married now so good stuff

2018-12-10 02:31:51 UTC  

I know nothing about blonde. She's terribly inconsistent and extremely naive. She's entertaining but not someone I would take any life advice from.

2018-12-10 02:32:10 UTC  


2018-12-10 02:33:24 UTC  

It's for people like her that we created Stephen Hicks' podcast. We need to get reasonable people who are frustrated out of uni-dimensional thinking.

2018-12-10 02:42:55 UTC  

We need people that are sick of diversity. Many are.

2018-12-10 02:56:32 UTC  

>He's Jewish
Heaven forbid people

2018-12-10 02:56:47 UTC  

What the hell is it with people and Jews

2018-12-10 02:58:53 UTC  

Bitching about Jews is a dog whistle that you are borderline mentally retarded

2018-12-10 04:34:29 UTC  

But the Jews drive a nicer car than I do

2018-12-10 05:13:24 UTC  

I only listen to Shylock Holmes to learn about the Jews.

2018-12-10 05:23:54 UTC  

i set my DVR to record the biggest loser and when i got back all i had was Navy footbal games wtf?

2018-12-10 05:24:15 UTC  

can someone explain this to me?

2018-12-10 05:24:50 UTC  

🇳 🇦 🇻 🇾 🇧 🇪 🅰 🇹

2018-12-10 05:27:22 UTC  

It’ll be interesting to see if Army can significantly close the series gap in the next few years. They’re still leading big right now

2018-12-10 05:35:24 UTC  

one of my teachers sent me an image of him flippin me the bird in front of the army flag, (he's a navy guy) and after the game sent him a picture of a slaughtered goat lol

2018-12-10 05:40:48 UTC  

Lol. Did you serve in the army?

2018-12-10 10:06:57 UTC  

Just my 2c on the riots in France.
Everybody thinking that these are riots for the freedom of the French are mistaken (in my humble opinion). The French have a long lasting tradition of going on strike against the establishment by asking for more government intervention. They want more free stuff, not more self determination!

2018-12-10 10:48:19 UTC  


2018-12-10 10:48:38 UTC  

Hell even their French Revolution was more of a gibs revolution than anything else

2018-12-10 11:07:00 UTC  

Not really.

2018-12-10 11:10:20 UTC  

Years of broken promises, raised taxes, decreasing working conditions, etc...

2018-12-10 11:10:48 UTC  

The taxes Macron tried to pass recently are just the last that broke the camel's back

2018-12-10 11:12:58 UTC  

Furthermore they more mostly affecting and impacting the middle and lower classes.

2018-12-10 11:14:59 UTC  

France is one of the most, if not the most, taxed country in the world and people end up having to give away more than half of their monthly salary. People can't save anything and many end up in the red way before the month's end.
Upper classes on the other hand can benefit from tax exemptions and also earn enough to either save and/or place their assets abroad in the so called "fiscal paradises".

2018-12-10 11:15:29 UTC  

The YJ movement is not about "free stuff" or "self determination".

2018-12-10 11:15:57 UTC  

One of the early claims for riots of the Maillot Jaunes was not necessarily the tax hikes on fuel but that minimum wage didn't rise accordingly!

2018-12-10 11:16:17 UTC  

Idk mate

2018-12-10 11:16:36 UTC  

There was a photo posted earlier purportedly being the official demand of the yellow vests

2018-12-10 11:16:54 UTC  

If those were their actual demands I don’t see any real good coming from things

2018-12-10 11:17:34 UTC  

Because it was a weird mix of pls baby me daddy government and environmentalist claptrap

2018-12-10 11:17:43 UTC  

You can't keep adding taxes upon taxes without raising the minimum wage.

2018-12-10 11:17:50 UTC  

The French love government intervention, all of their protests show that. It's always about more higher minimum wages less working hours etc.

2018-12-10 11:18:04 UTC  

The only sensible demand I could understand was the one concerning migrants

2018-12-10 11:18:10 UTC  

But even then it was more of the same

2018-12-10 11:18:25 UTC  

Let’s put more and more laws when current ones already aren’t being enforced

2018-12-10 11:18:46 UTC  

@Jimmy Boombox My point is the French don't want freedom, they want the government to be their daddy that looks after them in all aspects of their lives. Be that taxes or wages.

2018-12-10 11:19:02 UTC  

General protest are either organized or backed by political figures, partys or unions.
This is not the case with the Gilets Jaunes.

2018-12-10 11:19:38 UTC  

And the Gilet Jaune movement has nothing to do, and cannot be compared, with previous movements.