Message from @Lash-Games

Discord ID: 542499835928903702

2019-02-05 12:46:35 UTC  

memes are mankinds most important resource

2019-02-05 12:47:42 UTC  

Memes. Where true battles are fought

2019-02-05 12:48:21 UTC  

Memes: Where the normies are separated from the men

2019-02-05 12:53:52 UTC  


2019-02-05 17:25:39 UTC  


2019-02-05 17:28:27 UTC  


2019-02-05 23:56:03 UTC  

So um I would like to start a discussion on something. It has to do with weapons... the prototype weapons decomission that could work with todays Tech. for example the 'Gauss Gun'

2019-02-05 23:57:02 UTC  

i posted a picture in the pictures channel.

2019-02-06 00:00:55 UTC  

Well, as i know almost nothing about those types of weapons, what kind of discussion are you looking for :)

2019-02-06 00:07:07 UTC  

well just a discussion the prospect of military use as iv seen videos of people making rail guns and coil guns and demenstraitng their powerfulness. though ithink the problem is that they are usaly single shots and not automatic

2019-02-06 00:10:28 UTC  

When ever i see weapons like those, i can only think they are effective, but very limited. As you say some only produce one shot, or what is required to use them repeatedly.

2019-02-06 00:11:38 UTC  

and im talking about jsut everyday people to an extent making them. just a bit of math knowledge, a bit of enginering and your good...

2019-02-06 00:12:32 UTC  

Ahh, so you are looking for turf wars with rail guns heh.

2019-02-06 00:14:20 UTC no not a war of which is better or whatever. i want to have a discussion of why not use them? though if this topic dies oh well i tried.

2019-02-06 00:15:21 UTC  

No, i wasn't saying a war, i was just being playful of everyone having them in normal life.

2019-02-06 00:17:06 UTC  

well... i was more on the side of why militarys dont adobt them... besides the us navy which is experimenting with them... >.=.>

2019-02-06 00:18:46 UTC  

The problem is the amount of energy they use. We don't have a realistic way to keep them running apart from on huge battleships where we can plug into the engines to charge it up

2019-02-06 00:19:03 UTC  

...have you not seen the handheld models?

2019-02-06 00:19:11 UTC  


2019-02-06 00:20:27 UTC  

Well i did Eraser heh.

2019-02-06 00:20:40 UTC  

that was an awesome film

2019-02-06 00:20:47 UTC  

Sure is.

2019-02-06 00:21:03 UTC  

highly under rated

2019-02-06 00:24:59 UTC  

interesting. I'll be honest I'm not sure why they havent been developed after watching a bit of that. My guess would be size & weight or durability.

2019-02-06 00:32:37 UTC  

Or they have been developed and just kept away from the public.

2019-02-06 00:33:14 UTC  


2019-02-06 00:34:03 UTC  

I'm a little worried about the amount of rounds you could self down. Not to mention the head build up would be extreme

2019-02-06 00:34:32 UTC  


2019-02-06 00:52:06 UTC  

I prefer TERF wars

2019-02-06 00:52:37 UTC  

Rail gun them all

2019-02-06 00:52:47 UTC  

It's not against the NAP either

2019-02-06 02:11:53 UTC  

YET... also i cant believe that they totaly missed my Jurassic park III refreance last stream.... kind of sad though I DID send them an email for wensday. i went into detail because not too sure if i will be able to get in.. ill be hovering over the keybord at 630

2019-02-06 03:46:03 UTC  


2019-02-06 03:46:20 UTC  

Guys how do you send submissions?

2019-02-06 05:10:10 UTC  

Prepping some low tier shitpost

2019-02-06 06:17:29 UTC  

The podcast email is usually the best place I think. I forget what the address is exactly, but it’s located in the description of all the podcast videos

2019-02-06 06:20:51 UTC  


2019-02-06 06:21:01 UTC  

I'll give it a quick look in a bit

2019-02-06 06:21:20 UTC  

Man this is gonna be a crap submission
Polishing this turd

2019-02-06 06:24:00 UTC  

I guarantee it won’t be the worst submission they’ve shown on the stream lol