Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 562816372099252235

2019-04-03 01:28:42 UTC  

Then it's a good thing that the death penalty debate doesnt hinge on sanctity of life isn't it?

2019-04-03 01:29:36 UTC  

What grounds can a pro choice activist stand on that isn't contradictory to being against the death penalty?

2019-04-03 01:32:58 UTC  

If someone is put up for a death penalty, it was because of Their actions. Of them not valuing the sanctity of other life. And while you can argue that if you care about all life, then you should also care about the persons life on the line of a death sentence. It does not follow to the argument of weather or not we can define when life begins.

2019-04-03 01:36:02 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz I agree. I'm against both

2019-04-03 01:36:53 UTC  

I'm a big supporter of consistent life ethic

2019-04-03 01:37:06 UTC  

As am I.

I guess if the argument is that an unborn child is not a life then they aren't comparable in that instance.

Except by every objective metric the second an egg is fertilized it is a new unique human life. Undeveloped, but still a human life nontheless.

2019-04-03 01:38:03 UTC  

I'm not arguing when a life begins or not, i'm telling you those are 2 different arguments.

2019-04-03 01:38:29 UTC  

One is retribution one is convenience, I don't see them as the same at all

2019-04-03 01:39:40 UTC  

But they're not the only arguments, lots of people I meet who are pro choice agree with me that a unborn child is still a human life. My point is more that it's worse to kill an unborn child than it is to kill a murderer, but most people you meet who are against the death penalty are likely also pro choice.

2019-04-03 01:40:34 UTC  

It's outrageous

2019-04-03 01:40:49 UTC  

I think they would generally say it isn't a baby

2019-04-03 01:41:35 UTC  

They are also likely the same people who would steep a $150k fine for breaking a turtle or eagle egg.

2019-04-03 01:42:51 UTC  

I'm only for the death penalty in mass murder situations where the perpetrator was essentially caught in the act more as a burden of proof issue

2019-04-03 01:43:03 UTC  

Yeah, criminals and babies aren't the same. Though Democrats are generally incoherent, they at least acknowledge people should pay a price for crime

2019-04-03 01:44:31 UTC  

Not everyone who gets charged is the actual perpetrator. You can come back from being jailed (usually) but not from being killed

2019-04-03 01:44:49 UTC  

There's also the "when human life starts" debate, and not all pro choice people are hippies

2019-04-03 01:45:17 UTC  

The Libertarians that act like killing someone as retribution for murder is the same as killing an innocent person and therefore is hypocritical annoy me so much I don't want to agree with them

2019-04-03 01:45:27 UTC  

You are arguing a great many things. Both are worth consideration, so its good to keep talking about them. But try not to conflate the 2 is all. @DJ_Anuz
It is possible for a human to have contradicting ideas in their lives, it happens all the time (some do it more then others). Whats important, is how we justice our own beliefs and how well they work out in reality.

2019-04-03 01:47:02 UTC  

Pro choice libertarians annoy me the most like lmao

2019-04-03 01:48:52 UTC  

@Shadows Fair enough.

2019-04-03 01:51:19 UTC  

I'm not 100% sure where i stand on the death penalty. It would be an easier choice for me if we didn't put to death the wrongfully accused. But such is life, full of difficult choices.

2019-04-03 01:51:51 UTC  

Yeah, I struggle with it

2019-04-03 01:52:10 UTC  

I used to be staunchly opposed to it because of the whole not being 100% sure of guilt thing.

2019-04-03 01:52:20 UTC  

Now I struggle with it too.

2019-04-03 01:53:08 UTC  

I might lean towards against.... But its hard to say.

2019-04-03 01:53:28 UTC  

Kind of oddly I was more against it when I was a hardline atheist because I was so convinced death was the absolute end.

2019-04-03 01:54:00 UTC  

Now I am more inclined to spirituality and think it might be less final than that.

2019-04-03 01:54:29 UTC  

I still think it might be wrong to kill except in defense though so...

2019-04-03 01:55:55 UTC  

I'm not sure how good it is to judge someone based on what may or may not happen after life, but to each their own. :)

2019-04-03 01:56:39 UTC  

It's not a justification exactly. Just a removal of one of the stronger reasons to be staunchly against.

2019-04-03 01:56:51 UTC  

I still come down mostly anti.

2019-04-03 01:59:08 UTC  

Lol as a Christian I guess you could say I should be against based on what I think will happen to them after they die

2019-04-03 01:59:53 UTC  

I think murderers are in their own personal hell on Earth.

2019-04-03 02:00:33 UTC  

So you're saying it would be humane to end their suffering @DJ_Anuz? XD

2019-04-03 02:00:52 UTC  

In some instances. Maybe.

2019-04-03 02:01:12 UTC  

Like if I got bone cancer in my skull I would immediately seek euthanasia.

2019-04-03 02:01:24 UTC  

Course that's a little different

2019-04-03 02:01:29 UTC  

From mental hell.

2019-04-03 02:01:43 UTC  

@uncephalized I know, but to me i just thought of.
We shouldn't put this person to death because nothing after life exist.
We should put this person to death because life after death happens.
Or vise-versa, seems odd to me in in all versions of this, because what if anyone/everyone is wrong.
I'd rather deal with what is know when judging these things. But i guess others can do it differently heh.

2019-04-03 02:01:51 UTC  

So aren't, I don't know that Charles Manson minded his life in prison necessarily

2019-04-03 02:02:19 UTC  

Well I definitely believe in letting people choose death over imprisonment @DJ_Anuz