Message from @devpav

Discord ID: 587283307432116224

2019-06-08 10:12:24 UTC  

I am so fucking gay

2019-06-08 10:13:26 UTC  

Jokes aside, I don't have a followup antijoke

2019-06-08 10:13:57 UTC  

Matt and I once had a joke

2019-06-09 01:43:51 UTC  

This is why there has to be an end game, a measurable line of "debt fullfillment" on any form of reperation because over time the narrative switches and if the policy doesn't switch the oppressor will push back as the oppressee becomes the oppressor. If alt-right movements are legitimately growing, its a sign that the reperation has gone to far, the longer they ignore it the worse it gets

2019-06-09 01:44:08 UTC  

Theres only two possible narratives, either white supremecy is not growing and its just being spun up by the news for clicks, or it is growing and the oppressor is filling like they are now the opressee

2019-06-09 01:44:21 UTC  

When people feel wronged, they will say something, when people feel like noone hears them, they will scream, and when people feel that noone will listen they will fight

2019-06-09 02:16:27 UTC  

Or, everyone is a white supremacist and we don't even know it!

2019-06-09 02:39:59 UTC  

July should be Straight Pride month

2019-06-09 07:36:38 UTC  

But if we don't have them, They Will Be Dying In The Streets!

2019-06-09 09:46:40 UTC  

isn't that in August? well either way, at least that means 31 days

2019-06-09 10:07:22 UTC  

i take pride in my sin.... 😛

2019-06-09 10:29:26 UTC  

Its so annoying when people say that.

2019-06-09 10:40:18 UTC  

That Pride is a sin, but i already argued about that the other day heh.

2019-06-09 12:51:14 UTC  

A silent pride would be preferable to public boasting.

2019-06-09 12:51:37 UTC  

But social media has killed the possibility of that idea.

2019-06-09 13:35:05 UTC  

Context is important with pride. It's okay to be proud of the work you've accomplished, it starts to become a problem when your pride is boastful.

2019-06-09 13:35:05 UTC  

🆙 | **DJ_Anuz leveled up!**

2019-06-09 13:50:07 UTC  

Maan. I just took a Civiq survey and some of the questions were so loaded about Trump's tarrifs.

"Do you think tarrifs are a good thing or a bad thing for the US economy?"

Obviously not always, but in Trump's case, yeah. I think they're damn good for what he's doing with them.

2019-06-09 14:06:13 UTC  

It seems like trump used the tariffs to strong arm Mexico into fulfilling its border policy

2019-06-09 14:14:11 UTC  

Tariffs are a good thing for workers and a bad thing for globalists.

2019-06-09 14:16:10 UTC  

Asking if tariffs are good is like asking if people are getting shot is good. It all depends on the context

2019-06-09 14:17:48 UTC  

Yeah, only a globalist or lolbert would frame the tariff question in such absolutist terms.

2019-06-09 15:44:34 UTC  

Yeah I just strongly said yes tarrifs are a good thing because it's obvious the context is about Trump's tarrifs, which I do approve of.

2019-06-09 15:45:30 UTC  

I love how people criticize Trump for enacting tarrifs to strong arm other nations to reduce tarrifs on us. We're just saying "fine, you skrew me on trade, I skrew you on trade. Now let's come to the table and not skrew each other over."

2019-06-09 17:07:15 UTC  

... That's actually a pretty good analogy, @amlam...

2019-06-09 17:46:02 UTC  

Well obviously these tarriffs are bad because Trump is the one pushing them.

2019-06-09 17:46:54 UTC  

If a president with a D next to their name was pushing the exact same tarriffs for the exact same reasons, then tarriffs would be my new best friend.

2019-06-09 20:45:40 UTC  

Maybe they could clarify if tariffs are juat a tax, why tariffs are bad but taxes are good

2019-06-09 21:18:41 UTC  

Because the left likes tracking money that people from people more than money from transactions.

You can't implement a progressive tax if you're only taxing sales and purchase.

2019-06-09 21:41:05 UTC  

Don't give John Roberts any ideas. If Roe finds it's way to the supreme court while he's alive, I'm sure he'd find abortion to be a tax.

2019-06-09 21:44:21 UTC  

It is a blood tax. A portion of every slain baby's life goes to extending Ginsberg's

2019-06-09 21:44:22 UTC  

🆙 | **mishona leveled up!**

2019-06-10 00:47:39 UTC  

Is there going to be another heated debate in voice chat again tonight or is that a Wed only type of thing?

2019-06-10 00:48:20 UTC  

cool cool cool

2019-06-10 01:08:09 UTC  

Ya, it's sad. We're pussies.

2019-06-10 01:15:11 UTC  

Matt points out all the ways Democrats are mishandling immigration. One could say it's an inconvenient truth.

2019-06-10 01:26:02 UTC  

hmm I'm blocked from commenting in the livestream chat

2019-06-10 01:31:08 UTC  

Even Jimmy Dore's crowd made fun of Maza for whining about being called a mexican

2019-06-10 01:31:48 UTC  

They were confused and were like being called mexican isn't an insult and then laughed at Maza

2019-06-10 01:32:18 UTC  

Maybe since Maza isn't mexican he thinks they're inferior and considers it an insult