Message from @A. Spader

Discord ID: 621322839487938561

2019-09-11 12:00:59 UTC  

As we're seeing that they're not even trying to hide what they're doing. Had they waited another 20 years to be more open and flamboyant about their ideas they would have succeeded. Animes made a terrible mistake by blowing their load a little too early this time, most whites are slowly waking up to what's in store for them, there's a reason guns and ammo are flying off of the shelves at the current rate.

2019-09-11 12:01:18 UTC  

White Americans are the most resilient people on Earth, it's not going to be South Africa

2019-09-11 12:10:03 UTC  

.. you do realize that white people are the same, be it on one continent or another???

2019-09-11 12:10:23 UTC  

if you think white europeans already failed, why should white americans not similiary fail?

2019-09-11 12:11:05 UTC  

unless american land is somehow magical and favors white people....

2019-09-11 12:14:09 UTC  

You realize Western Society is being crumbled due to mass immigration, Ashkenazi influence and Bolshevik ideology right

2019-09-11 12:14:26 UTC  

Traditional conservative Western values are the complete antithesis of what bolshevism stands for

2019-09-11 12:18:00 UTC  

But what makes America so resilient where South Africa failed?

2019-09-11 12:19:13 UTC  

the bill of rights

2019-09-11 12:19:48 UTC  

America always had a deeper story to tell ourselves about why we were who we were

2019-09-11 12:21:04 UTC  

that our founders were doing something unique

2019-09-11 12:21:32 UTC  

that free speech was an aid to combat evil ideologies, not their enabler

2019-09-11 12:21:33 UTC  

So preserve America by throwing out every guiding principle it’s founded on in pursuit of homogeneity of vague and arbitrarily defined racial lines? You really think that the guy the next block over won’t fuck you over given the chance if he’s competing for the same resources just because he shares a similar skin tone? You really think an all white society wouldn’t find new lines to divide themselves up by to justify said fucking over of their competition? People aren’t born with a set of values, they’re taught. I live in a town that’s about 90% white and yet overrun by socialist morons. It’s not race, it’s upbringing.

2019-09-11 12:22:52 UTC  

If I moved back to sweden (I'm over 50% swedish by ancestry) I would be unlike anyone there and be a complete political outcast

2019-09-11 12:23:15 UTC  

American Constitutional Republicanism is what made us great

2019-09-11 12:25:31 UTC  

With the exception of immediate family, I feel more kinship toward non-whites who share my values than whites who don’t.

2019-09-11 12:25:51 UTC  

I *hate* the idea that somehow race is what made America. It is the same insidious lie the left has been pouring into the bloodstream of this nation for 100 years when we couldn't be corrupted like the old and famous states of europe

2019-09-11 12:26:33 UTC  

racism is the lefts stick, its what the whole identity politics shit is based on, its just dressed differently

2019-09-11 12:26:49 UTC  

It’s basically the same argument the worst of the left makes, only inverted.

2019-09-11 12:27:08 UTC  

the truth of the matter is that a Richard Spencer *agrees* with the NYT's 1619 project, he just disagrees that it's bad

2019-09-11 12:35:08 UTC  
2019-09-11 12:39:05 UTC  

there is also the fact that they cling to their culture and traditions like nothing else

2019-09-11 12:39:16 UTC  


2019-09-11 12:46:26 UTC  

As far as I can tell, it's solely because they aren't considered huwhite.

2019-09-11 12:47:21 UTC  

I've always liked to say that the KKK and the Black Panthers would find a lot of common ground if they could just get over their differences.

2019-09-11 12:47:57 UTC  

doesn't the KKK already accept black members?

2019-09-11 12:51:01 UTC seems it was a hoax, it was a dude that gave up the KKK beliefs and wanted to start his own club, to replace the KKK in his life with something else

2019-09-11 12:56:24 UTC  

Huh, I thought you were explicitly referencing the Dave Chappelle bit.

2019-09-11 12:57:47 UTC  

nah, i remember hearing about this story a few years ago, but only now learned, that it was some dude trying to get attention after, leaving the KKK, for his own club

2019-09-11 12:59:10 UTC  

Also, big oof for that Reason writer for linking a story from the Hard Times without realizing that that site is satire.

2019-09-11 12:59:47 UTC  

We've come full circle anyway, people are calling Chappelle a white supremacist now for his latest special

2019-09-11 13:00:26 UTC  

You can't parody clown world

2019-09-11 13:01:04 UTC  

I don't understand how Babylon Bee keeps coming up with articles to write.

2019-09-11 13:01:55 UTC  

its easy, just ask your lefty relatives what they think of X

2019-09-11 13:03:13 UTC  

Good luck with your non homogeneous society

2019-09-11 13:03:24 UTC  

0 examples of them working long term

2019-09-11 13:04:06 UTC  

how long term does it need to be?

2019-09-11 13:04:26 UTC  

no government will stand for a long time

2019-09-11 13:10:03 UTC  

Governments, or Society? China has always been Chinese. Japan has always been Chinese. England has always been English yes, yes even with the 2% Nordic influence. France has always been friends. Governments change within a society.

2019-09-11 13:28:09 UTC  

So China may have become a dystopian hell hole, but still homogenously Chinese. Big win.I really don’t see what you gain if you maintain ethnic purity in your country but the system you live under happens to be shit.

2019-09-11 13:28:50 UTC  
