Message from @MatthewHeimbach

Discord ID: 376195783579402242

2017-11-04 02:23:57 UTC  

They're not just in our media and senate, they control every aspect of your day to day life

2017-11-04 02:24:11 UTC  

From what your kids learn in school, to what chemicals you put in your body

2017-11-04 02:24:32 UTC  

And btw, on the "Jesus was a Jew" thing. "In ideological training I forbid every attack against Christ as a person, since such attacks or insults that Christ was a Jew are unworthy of us and certainly untrue historically."-Heinrich Himmler

2017-11-04 02:24:41 UTC  

Fully embracing the JQ does take time. And coming around to Exterminationism takes even more time

2017-11-04 02:24:51 UTC  

AmRen maxed out the capacity this year. I've been there the last 3 years, and actually I met you at one, Matt. Jared Taylor is an ally, everyone who supports white interests is an ally

2017-11-04 02:25:14 UTC  

@Hadrian Nah fam once you fully embrace the JQ you INSTANTLY become a passionate exterminationist

2017-11-04 02:25:17 UTC  

getting the popcorn

2017-11-04 02:25:22 UTC  


2017-11-04 02:25:23 UTC  

If you think Jews are White and not our enemy, that is not an ally

2017-11-04 02:25:43 UTC  

Jared avoids answering the jq because it's unpalatable to most people

2017-11-04 02:25:55 UTC  

He doesn't avoid it, he's come right out and said that Jews were white

2017-11-04 02:26:07 UTC  

@Fevs I was a deportationist for a long time

2017-11-04 02:26:18 UTC  

It's not like Jared Taylor is secretly an esoteric hitlerist

2017-11-04 02:26:19 UTC  

Ethnically Jesus was a Jew.. He didn't act like the majority of Jews and the (((pharisees))) hated him for that.

2017-11-04 02:26:24 UTC  

Yeah, nah

2017-11-04 02:26:28 UTC  

If you think jews are us your understanding of our problems is fundamentally different from ours. Our problems go so much farther than blacks being stupid.

2017-11-04 02:26:56 UTC  

Jesus was a Greek. Christ reacts ONLY!

2017-11-04 02:27:01 UTC  

Jesus was an anti-Jew

2017-11-04 02:27:09 UTC  

"Christ is the genius of love, as such the most diametrical opposite of Judaism, which is the incarnation of hate. The Jew is a non-race among the races of the earth.... Christ is the first great enemy of the Jews.... that is why Judaism had to get rid of him. For he was shaking the very foundations of its future international power. The Jew is the lie personified. "-Dr. Joseph Goebbels

2017-11-04 02:27:19 UTC  

@Klutch you seem to be counter signaling everything TWP believes. Why are you here?

2017-11-04 02:27:44 UTC  

*readying my ban hammer*

2017-11-04 02:27:54 UTC  

At 3:20 Jared admits Jews are our enemy. Https://

2017-11-04 02:28:01 UTC  

I am a white nationalist

2017-11-04 02:28:23 UTC  

And I hope to attend future rally's with you guys and other pro white groups

2017-11-04 02:28:32 UTC  

Holy ban hammer incoming

2017-11-04 02:29:14 UTC  

JQ is somehow "unapalatable" to most people, but still Nationalist Front full on jew smart rally was more palatable to people than any AmRen conference ever.

2017-11-04 02:29:16 UTC  

Makes you think

2017-11-04 02:29:19 UTC

2017-11-04 02:29:23 UTC  

I was at Shelbyville

2017-11-04 02:29:38 UTC  

no need to ban this guy, he seems nice enough

2017-11-04 02:29:42 UTC  

just disagrees with us on economics

2017-11-04 02:29:48 UTC  

brb crying kids, not actually banning, lets discuss and convert

2017-11-04 02:29:52 UTC  


2017-11-04 02:29:53 UTC  

And the JQ @BasedWhiteGoy

2017-11-04 02:29:57 UTC  

Thank you white goy, that is exactly my position.

2017-11-04 02:30:14 UTC  

It depends on what you mean by the Jewish Question

2017-11-04 02:30:16 UTC  

well someone redpill him. alienating ppl and banning them does no good

2017-11-04 02:30:28 UTC  

I've missed alot lol

2017-11-04 02:30:28 UTC  

@BasedWhiteGoy those were just pranks

2017-11-04 02:30:41 UTC  

I agree they are behind the 1965 immigration act. Communism. Feminism. Gay rights. Pedophilia. White privilege BS, etc

2017-11-04 02:30:51 UTC  

They hate whites