Message from @Major (AL)
Discord ID: 385608335342436355
>the goyim can't know if you kill the story 😎
Matt isn't NazBol? I think I have to leave now
@AustraliaCalling I've heard about them before
They are fucking retarded
Someone on the Fascism General server posted a pic of their leadership, lemme find it
White Juche is like NazBol but without the anti-Nazi and Jewy soviet civic nationalist stank.
Can't find that pic, don't think it was that server after all
What's Alex Jones' spin on Whorvator? Is he a reptilian? A globalist controlled operation?
just noticed the guy on the far right
He just mentioned it. I'm not about to wade through a 2 hour episode for a blip about me haha
But probably controlled op I'd imagine
I know the guy who leads it.
Media gate keepers trying to discredit Trump or something
Joined Ironmarch in like 2012 but left because it was discriminating against autists and was racist and founded his own anti-racist pro-semitic fascist internet party and has been a source of hilarious cuckoldry for years.
Dude went by the name Jnoyer.
Look how professional their cubicle costumes make them look. Except you can see the queer in their faces.
"If Petrograd (Pietrograd) does not yet fall, if [General] Denikin is not moving forward, then this is what the great Jewish bankers of London and New York have decreed. These bankers are bound by ties of blood to those Jews who in Moscow as in Budapest are taking their revenge on the Aryan race that has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia, 80 percent of the managers of the Soviets are Jews, in Budapest 17 out of 22 people's commissars are Jews. Might it not be that bolshevism is the vendetta of Judaism against Christianity?? It is certainly worth pondering. It is entirely possible that bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogrom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Whoever owns the strongboxes of the peoples is in control of their political systems. Behind the puppets (making peace) in Paris, there are the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims who are of the same blood who are conquering Petrograd and Budapest. Race does not betray race....Bolshevism is a defense of the international plutocracy. This is the basic truth of the matter. The international plutocracy dominated and controlled by Jews has a supreme interest in all of Russian life accelerating its process of disintegration to the point of paroxysm. A Russia that is paralyzed, disorganized, starved, will be a place where tomorrow the bourgeoisie, yes the bourgeoisie, o proletarians will celebrate its spectacular feast of plenty." - Mussolini, 1919
Fascists who are "totally not racist?" What's even the point?
we need to hook them up with PatFag
A match made in heaven
@brig Isn't it blatantly obvious? Optics.
Black men say fuck trump then attack white man for no reason, sucker punching him the face, Austin Police listed the incident as assault with injury not a hate crime
@Spiritchef that's the place that fired Tony?
@Major (AL) yeah
I suddenly just realized I had a one star experience there. Better go rate them.
I have multi personality disorder and all 4 of my personalities and their google accounts also recall a bad experience
If they say otherwise they are ableist and oppressing you, and are racist.
Mine too @Spiritchef My personalities are enraged. We're live now
Can anyone contact Matt H or Matt P and have them call in to The Right Voice for an update on the party, & etc.
@Æthelwulf Hunter you can do it like this