Message from @Joey zyklon
Discord ID: 412753349633507329
Forgot the collars.
Friendly daily reminder
Thank you, sir.
My day is now complete
Hows everyone doing tonight?
I talked to the cops to UTK today, and they want to avoid any security issues
So basically i think if the Reds act up, they are gonna get billy clubbed
so, cant complain
Nice nice
We always dread the Cville scenario now
It’s not that we’re scared
Nobody wants jail
For real
Our men aren’t useful behind the bars
We need our men on this side
With no bond
@FashyGoy1488 Exactly
Once our guys hit the system, we get fucked over more than any other person
It’s like being proud to be white is the most severe crime in this country
And speaking of Soros...
Prepare to Reeee....
^ this just in
Nazbol confirmed in Greece
From my time in Greece, the Golden Dawn guys have always told me that the Reds, not the anarchists but the actual communists, are a more oldschool sorta nationalist variety
Does TWP have any measures in place to protect the family folk if our dudes go to jail?
well, we're doing POW outreach