Message from @Odalist Refrain
Discord ID: 279485438966628353
NPI definitely has more. AV I think does have more.
Those're the most well known ones.
And below that threshold, I believe we're up there.
@Odalist Refrain AV has multiple states already as well.
NPI and AV?
Atomwaffen has close to the number we do.
Probably like 10-15 members in about 10 states
But Atomwaffen appears to have 0 standards.
I can barely speak stupid cold lol
@Chancellor Google it brah
@Odalist RefrainThey have a Twitter?
Haven't heard of them
I don't know that Atomwaffen does.
They're just notorious IRL shitposters pushing accelerationism.
And they actually tried to recruit (read: entrap) me from here the first day.
Ah, I know AV, Evropa, TWP, VoL and us.
American Vanguard too
They had an out of state contact set me up with a runner up MI member.
I'm in VoL, a bit more libertarian than fashy all considered.
There's also the Houston goylers and cascadia for fashy goys
@Cœur de Lion AV is American Vanguard
AV oughta be done soon.
sorry I read AV as AtomWaffen because im dumb
It's all good
They're never gonna live down the Stolen Valor.
@Odalist RefrainKek that was bad
do we really know the stolen valor wasn't just some bullshit made up by the guy behind the bar?
They got good posters tho
@Cœur de Lion Tell that to the media tho
like if you were caught out as a barman, you would probably make up some bs excuse to make them look bad aka stolen valor
Anticom is the kool kidz klub
VoL is for redditfags
I honestly don't doubt it.
Basically all of the groups that tie back into TRS somehow are tainted.