Message from @tom (twp)
Discord ID: 301082719457247232
I guess you liked it? Haha
Hell yeah. Much better than the ruger. Well, except the ruger was a lot slimmer.
Yeah xds are pretty thick
Springfield armory is running a special right now if anyone is interested. If you purchase one before may (I think), they'll send you an extra 4 mags and a holster for it. At least that's what I was told.
Hey fellas i checked out that fash emporium site. Whats going on with it?
I was wondering the same since it's been down.
It's not up and running just yet
That's a sick special
It'll be up later this week.
It will be very soon though
It's down? I just got on it I think
@parrott In the party newsletter it says to message you or Matt to confirm party membership. What information do you want as confirmation?
^same ?
Yeah I need to do that too
@Kombat-Unit That event looks amazing. We don't have many like that here. I heard rumors of Goatmoon touring here, but not confirmed.
@Bob Oliver yeah they are pretty thick especially on a smaller build kind of guy like me, kind of difficult to conceal. I'm also not too big on the grip safety.
I find comfort in the grip safety considering it will be pointed at my pecker while being carried. 😁
Haha... yeah...
Fuck Passover
And the synagogue of Satan
Yeah. Seems that God could have saved the world a lot of grief had he taken all those who marked theirs doors straight to hell.
Yes, he would have, but I suppose maybe he wanted us to struggle
That's the theory.
Man...reading the comment section under that post is disgusting.
I can imagine
Morning all
Morning morning
Good morning, TradWorkers
Good morning, looks more and more as if the (((us))) is aligning itself for a war with Russia and Syria.
Tillerson and Haley are laughable.
It's sickening how intensely and rapidly Trump is turning out to be a tool of the Jewish oligarchs.
I knew there would be awkwardness, that he wouldn't be what some imagined. But I did not anticipate this degree.