Message from @backstreetgoy-TN
Discord ID: 306044234517970946
Alongside Far Right Croats who believe "(((OY VEY! MUH JASENOVAC!)))"
Aww I missed Matt
Siege by James Mason was the single most important book I've read so far, easy to digest as it's a reprinting of his short newsletters that he was putting out during the early 80's. Mason is a true firebrand revolutionary, a man after my own heart. His writing style is very concise & to the point. You can locate free PDF's of SIEGE by simply searching SIEGE JAMES MASON, Iron March has one as well as I believe. has a fairly good little selection of free online literature. Start with SIEGE, I fully agree that it should be required reading at this point.
You can watch an old interview with MASON on RACE & REASON Attomwaffen just put it up on Jew tube a few weeks ago.
Come locked and loaded, goys.
Fri it's on public property right t
Fri is entirely on the private property. Sat is mostly on the private property.
Good morning everyone
Good morn
Turns out it's over
Yeah, I'm happy to get off the Trump train. I was sucked into it for a while but, I mean it was over from the start.
Just proves that no one able to get in will be able to help us
There is one thing he did good
He removed white nationalists from the countering violent extremists list
That's it. If thats all he did it was worth getting him in, but I would rather him not kike us over
Yeah, that's true. If he builds a wall, you know, that'd be nice too. But I'm getting less convinced over these "civic nationalist" politicians.
All of them. Period
Try to keep the hardliner stuff off of the public chat.
lol sorry
By that I meant kick them out for the 110th time
Protects you.
What's the next step for you goy
Who me?
With the cop.stuff
Oh, they are supposed to have the report ready by tomorrow
They have to watch the footage first
Is that where it happened
A taste ^
Yessir tom
You guys wanna know what's sick as fuck
In my early twenties I was addicted to opiates. I kicked this habit 5 years ago and have been clean since. I was getting more morphine and OxyContin than a dying 80 year old for my bad back. Now I have a broken jaw and broken nose and the Indian doctor is telling me to take ibuprofen until I have surgery tomorrow or the next day.
Jews own OxyContin. I can't remember the family's name but they are evil
@My Name Is Hate So have you read it? I was planning on listening to it read by vanguard news network with Alex Linder.