Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 382349436405284877
me irl
love it.....ok so your sacco vandal
good to meet ya
this video is what turned me
um yeah ok must have been a fashion thing for him
nobody turns like that
He got jungle fever and reformed his hateful ways
Did you guys see that main stream America fully embraced Charles Manson in the last few months of his life because his seriously good optics?
He was pretty cool.
seriously good optics???
hows that
It seems he's been reading anglin
Yes, 31 times in a day.
Guess it's time to stock up on meth again. *sigh*
Is any kind of nut acceptable? Im poor and can only afford peanuts
moar pics
some of the toys
proper white wife and kid
real hero
@Commander Davis (TWP) i saw your quartermaster davis standing for you video on youtube. Im pepe topkek on there. Told you id message ya lol
when you show up to protest nazi gym with a faggot umbrella cause the heat is too bad
Great video @Commander Davis (TWP)
Want these aesthetics.
What a LARPer.
@Der Jäger all i saw was"My toys" and i saw a woman and child and got a little bit scared.
lol that understandable
i'm searching for some pics on FB and found those
guns and fam
then immediatly after that I stumble on my stash of Einsatzgruppen
It really warms my heart that Nugiseks lived past the Soviet occupation and was showered with gratitute and given a captain's funeral.