Message from @Fash Dragon
Discord ID: 414866252293472266
Lol oh god
@patron Saint of EATIN I didn't say it was a bad idea, I just said it screams "Not Welcome"
Hahaha no not you
Like, imagine being a dude and getting a dude sucking a LITERAL PENIS tattooed on your body
Like, how low T does one have to be to not only find that acceptable, but to literally have it permanently etched into one's skin
That tat is SICK love it. You’ll be doing color or bw? @patron Saint of EATIN
The fuck Is that trump tattoo
Oh god
Worse than Obama tats
I'm just getting black filled in the swazi and the cog
And the 1488
It’s really bugging me that cops locked that spot down so tight
I’m sure some students would have liked to hear him
They took great pains to keep us super separate
Probably for the best, though
We went in, had a successful event, nobody got hurt and everyone went home in one piece
Optics of strength are important, but so are the optics of competence
What if its a feminine benis
That's what she said
Who has AWD leader tranny photos?
I might have them on my other computer
Any fallout from yesterday?
I havent heard anything in the news a tranny? @☦Colton of Yore☦
@Fash Dragon better come get that boy
@Der Jäger no, just banging one
Nice tattoo @Fash Dragon
We twins now
@everyone Okay so I bet my friend $20 I could prove that it's less gay for a guy to watch lesbian porn than straight porn, gib arguments to back up plx
my current strat is to say that str8 porn is 50% gay but lesbo porn is 0% gay
if it's like 3 girls it goes into the negatives
Well there aren’t any dicks so
I'll pay people part of my earnings if they help me win
yea exactly