Message from @Σ.

Discord ID: 501712111530147840

2018-10-14 19:38:17 UTC  

You are going to enjoy the responsibilities of living in the best country ever. You want to undermine it? Fuck off. You want equity? Fuck off. You want undeserved gibs? Fuck off. You won't pay into the system? Fuck off. You try to be corrupt? Fuck off.

The only equality you'll get is that of opportunity and the law. The social welfare systems we put into place are dangerous, but at times necessary. Freedom carries within it certain responsibilities, which is why chucklefucks try to write away their freedoms.

Oh yeah, and fuck the open borders, globalist hacks, who hurt everyone with their politics of selfish rules for thee, but not for me.

2018-10-14 21:23:43 UTC

2018-10-15 06:47:22 UTC

2018-10-15 06:51:59 UTC  

uhh so it seems like the proud boys have went on a rampage in manhattan led by a katana wielding gavin McKiness

2018-10-15 06:52:06 UTC  

according to the left wing twitter that is

2018-10-15 09:38:30 UTC  

hey look it's racist naruto

2018-10-15 09:41:09 UTC  

So here's the only two problems I could see with left-wing Twitter. Either there isn't any footage around, or they're intentionally not tweeting out why the Proud Boys did what they did. The most context I could find is this, before they ***surrounded one fucking dude and got people from the other side of the street to help gang up on him***

2018-10-15 09:42:13 UTC  

It "shows" before the fight, but not why it happened. Regardless, you can hear one of them say "READY? ONE!" a few seconds before they start kicking the shit out of them.

2018-10-15 09:43:40 UTC  

The left-wing Twitter is also refusing to ackknowledge that the 3 "anti-racist ""protestors"" beat up and robbed a guy leaving the McInnis event.

2018-10-15 09:51:25 UTC  

Incredibly, it sounds like the ""protestors"" were arrested for assault and battery of the guy leaving McInnes' event, but not any of the ProudBoys acting like a mob.

2018-10-15 15:00:46 UTC

2018-10-15 15:01:16 UTC  

First, a quick word about the basic principles of Change.Brussels:

This is a truly bottom-up and participatory process. It is popular but not populist. We listen to each other, and we work in tandem so that experience and expertise can inform each other.

We hope that this approach, based on discussion and consensus, can create a new form of collective identity: united by what we all share, living together in Brussels; and not divided by traditional party lines, nationality or ethnicity. This is very important in a city like Brussels where almost everyone comes from somewhere else.

2018-10-15 15:03:10 UTC

2018-10-15 19:13:17 UTC

2018-10-15 19:14:03 UTC  

das rite

2018-10-15 19:23:08 UTC  

Whew, lad.

2018-10-16 02:20:35 UTC when you thought it was an economic history video :(((

2018-10-16 08:23:24 UTC

2018-10-16 08:24:22 UTC  

@Σ. watched it, waste of time

2018-10-16 11:04:48 UTC  

I was interested to learn about economics and ended up with "le trump is bad!!! wolrd edning!!!!! moral outrage!1!!"

2018-10-16 11:31:12 UTC  

anyone that advocates for raising minimum wage in any of the major cities in the US is a NPC because only someone who doesn't think would advocate for it

2018-10-16 11:34:28 UTC  

Well people that work full time shoudnt be on foodstamps

2018-10-16 11:35:19 UTC  

You should be able to live off a 36 hour workweek

2018-10-16 11:35:44 UTC  

People should demand higher wages from individual employers, not by government fiat

2018-10-16 11:36:08 UTC  

I wouldnt say its that simple

2018-10-16 11:36:16 UTC  

Why do you think we have unions?

2018-10-16 11:37:02 UTC  

For example here in the EU if they would abolish minimum wage we wouldnt be able to compete with the eastern europeans

2018-10-16 11:38:45 UTC  

So you're saying that eastern European countries would just take all of your business by monopolizing all the resources you have?

2018-10-16 11:39:26 UTC  

No im saying why hire a dutch person when a romanian will do the work for the fraction of what i would need to live from

2018-10-16 11:40:58 UTC  

So you don't want to sacrifice the safety you enjoy from your quality of life in order to root out government corruption that does more harm than good for the overall economy, because there are others who would gladly do your job for less if allowed to.

2018-10-16 11:42:05 UTC  

Would it not be better to either inform those Romanians that they have reason to demand more from the employer, and set up unions to ensure that employers meet the demands of providing a reasonable quality of life, then demanding that the government do so?

2018-10-16 11:45:26 UTC  

The real problem here is the romanian being able to take the jobs in the first place. I also would say that telling them that in our standards theyre underpaid is worthless. They know that. Im saying that working a workweek should provide you with enough money to survive on

2018-10-16 11:46:39 UTC  

And what "reason" do they have to demand more

2018-10-16 11:48:19 UTC  

Because they can and they should. When you say "Enough money to survive on" what standard are you setting here? If they can survive on less, are they not still surviving? Or are they taking advantage of something else in order to make out better than you on less? Is that something else also illegal?

2018-10-16 11:54:08 UTC  

Okay, a bread here is a euro. A bread in romania is 50 eurocents. My family needs 10 breads to survive on =10 euros. The Romanian family needs 8 breads in Romania and 2 in the Netherlands =6 euros

2018-10-16 11:55:53 UTC  

And yes a lot of these people illegaly live with sometimes 10 people in the same house drastically reducing their rent

2018-10-16 11:57:42 UTC  

The standard im setting is that you should be able to pay for rent,electricity,gas,water,food in a small town in the netherlands

2018-10-16 12:07:18 UTC  

In a system with a social security net you need to have a minimum wage to get people to do the actually usefull stuff, in a system without a social safety net you need a minimum wage to make sure that people can afford to live

2018-10-16 12:11:20 UTC  

And i dont think unions are the solution like i dont think charity can replace a social safety net. Peole will fall between the cracks, often by mistakes they didnt make

2018-10-16 12:14:36 UTC  

People will fall between the cracks regardless, man. You can't save everyone. Some people will do their best to bring about their own destruction. Some people will fall apart. Some people will have awful things happen to them by no fault of their own.

It's fine to want to help people, but there are some who just can't be helped, and artificially trying to leverage the economy doesn't help you economically in the long run, it pushes business away beyond the area where the government controls the wage, all the while raising inflation and cost of living.