Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 483756493175390215
@Deleted User I am gang weed
@Deleted User @Deleted User Do either you have a mic?
no u stupidass bitch
get a mic retard @Deleted User
its 2 am and i just woke up
@Jvstin Gang weed
@Deleted User Theres no god but rape
This is easily solved: Give voting credits, say you get 300 voting credits annually baseline. If you then vote on a case to case basis, you can increase the amount of votes per case but it increases exponentially.
Not when it comes to electing representatives. This would be good in a direct democratic model.
Add confidence levels to that and you got yourselves a representative public, just teach the public to be humble
@Deleted User you have a mic
No mic
🆙 | **DukeGrom leveled up!**
What does this jewish talk get us?
richter's shitposting
Are you from Norway?
Why did he do it?
Fjotolf Hansen
Anders Behring Breivik
You're probably better off reading the wikipedia page
in short he felt justified in doing so, the psychonanalasys is deep stuff
publically availabli at
Bcs of the lil moustache