Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 483078945051377665
Alexander the great had blonde hair and blue eyes :
🆙 | **Persephone leveled up!**
leveled being based
>"They say that the most amiable and beautiful amongst the Greeks was Alcibiades; amongst the Romans, Scipio. It is reported also that Demetrius Poliorcetes contended in Beauty. They affirm likewise that Alexander Son of Philip was of a neglectful handsomness: For his Hair curled naturally, and was yellow; yet they say there was something stern in his countenance.
>"For he had the hair of a lion and one eye was blue; the right one was heavy lidded and black, and the left one was blue; and his teeth were sharp as fangs, and he looked upon a defensive attack the same as a lion would."
> painting him as wielder of the thunder-bolt, did not reproduce his complexion, but made it too dark and swarthy. Whereas he was of a fair colour, as they say, and his fairness passed into ruddiness on his breast particularly, and in his face.
@Deleted User @Deleted User Do either you have a mic?
no u stupidass bitch
get a mic retard @Deleted User
its 2 am and i just woke up
@Jvstin Gang weed
@Deleted User Theres no god but rape
This is easily solved: Give voting credits, say you get 300 voting credits annually baseline. If you then vote on a case to case basis, you can increase the amount of votes per case but it increases exponentially.
Not when it comes to electing representatives. This would be good in a direct democratic model.
Add confidence levels to that and you got yourselves a representative public, just teach the public to be humble
@Deleted User you have a mic
No mic
🆙 | **DukeGrom leveled up!**
What does this jewish talk get us?
richter's shitposting