Message from @FBI Garrosh
Discord ID: 502949183079317524
You gotta partner the server
how that ??
to partner servers you message @GoogleThis
Woah I came
this is why white kids are racist
because they go to school where they are the only white ones
and get angry from being called different all their life
also, observing reality
Wow nice those americans are great when it comes to national defense
No wonder America is the best country in the world
I dont care for race. I care far more for the individual. If the individual cannot adapt or change then I dont care for him at all. Its why I take issue with the lgbt and black community. They act the same and constantly have a victim complex while not changing for the better. Both communities have been a disgrace.
European governments have only pandered to their degeneracy thus making Europe weak and pathetic. Make no mistake this will cause right wing extremism and nationalism in the future. All because of the left wing governments practicing their own extremes. If this turns to shit which it likely will in the near future unless the european governments for once focuses on their own people more and realizes their errors, the best thing to do is to make sure true right wing extremists dont rise and to prevent revolutions and civil wars. The best way to settle this is through dialogue despite the left's attempts and claims.
didn't post in <#436789234565906432> because it's less of an update and more of a general explanation
They were turned away tho
@DA GOMMIE JOO human garbage
@FBI Garrosh ha
get oofed
"haha I can poorly take things out of context Im so clever"
They 🅱roke Mexico border fence
The gay gene doesnt exist
There is no gay gene
ok buddy
Jeff dahmer isnt a gene
Nigga there isnt
only 13 year olds think there's a gay gene
its a mental disorder
Mr E is a walking mental disorder
Being gay is a mental disorder