Message from @Maybeism
Discord ID: 531985503482806293
so long guys
the absolute madman actually left
nnnnnnnnnnnn word
I can't comment on hostile takeover?
Heyo <:GWnanamiTuturu:408280636550545415>
Hello fellow n word
why is there no voice
it just suddently stopped
get on voice you textcucks
Don't worry , the mods and myself are working hard to heep this alive
@Burned Vision hey mate havent seen you in a while
@AltCapRight cause the owner is inactive as all hell
Read siege
Honestly really needed some new Clown Posse material
i did it
i said it
Alive server
Contractor vibes
Major this
Excuse me fellow homo-sapiens how art thou? I have some dire news thou shalt heed or ultimately become extinct.. All your ideologies, opinions, beliefs, theologies, philosophies, ideas and thoughts only cause mass genocide, conflict and world wars essentially so please cease and desist before it is too late!!!
Excuse me you are causing the deaths of millions of innocent civillians please cease and desist or your mother will be deported for being an illegal alien from Alpha Draconus should have known she was a reptillian man :/
what cuck thought it was a good idea to let women run your lives?
my god