Message from @Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye
Discord ID: 288368187597389825
shit, you're right, our retarded government calls spaniards hispanic doesn't it
hispanic = of spanish SPEAKING origin
if you identify yourself as hispanic on the census, yeah.
if ur parents speak a romantic language u probably mark hispanic
yeah they don't have hispanic on the race thing actually
even if u are fresh off the boat from portugal or spain
i forgot that census lists all hispanics as white
(btw that means hispanics are under white for crime stats)
(if they don't have a clear category to themselves)
>tfw my senpai is technically a spic
Nah, fuck it, Pinochet's at the very least honorary white
if they were to separate mestizos into a group it would rekt that chart
> people too apathetic or tarded to choose "mixed" or other as a race
"hispanic" would be right along black
hispanic "other"
I don't doubt it
the idea is to keep mestizos secret
Shit, wait, I have a possible explanation for my original question
D'you think the high iq blacks got the fuck out of their original communities once segregation ended so all that was left in those communities were bottom-of-the-barrel lowlifes that would eventually evolve into ghetto/thug culture?
Just a theory
mutations have to occur
but blacks are a hivemind
they dont like deviation
even positive deviation
good morning deus vult everyone
that much is certainly apparent
also morning
basically they are objectively a garbage race
they need to get patched
niggers will never be people
devs are afk
They're effectively human 1.0
so the're genetically predisposed to attract to themselves
More like alpha .02
instead of detract and spread?