Message from @parrott
Discord ID: 275064485843173377
Also hi btw
dis ^ casen
Earth is flat AND hollow
Whore this channel on yours
I'll talk to Michelle about the shape of the earth.
She'll know.
I want to talk to Michelle.
Wow I was gonna say that
@parrott If you need bots for this channel to improve opsec, talk to James Futurist
Tox is probably more secure than discord
Okay. Will do.
if you're paranoid
I'm matt.parrott on Telegram, which is relatively secure.
Tox is secure but it's also really unstable
Never had a version that worked reliably.
We can stick to this
Is Heimbach in this server?
Anybody need to convey any shady shit with me can message me on Telegram. Every time I've tried to get people to send PGP encrypted emails or even keep shady shit on Telegram, they refuse to do it.
Heimbach will be on this server when he returns from Atlanta.
Telegram is being mega gay
He's at a Southern Nationalist forum hanging out with a bunch of masonic reactionary conservatives.
It won't find you
Does TWP have a chapter in NY?
My phone number is 317-324-8282 if that helps.
k lemme try
We don't have a TWP chapter in NY. Our TWP chapter in NY was Jason Augustus. And he moved to Indiana. And everybody else around there seems to prefer the TRS and IE stuff.
yeah still not working
My bad. @mattparrott
oh no period lol
I'm the opossum with the beaker.
got the link on IM's discord
This room grew 12x in 5 minutes
Shame, if people from TWP showed up at Shia's thing it would've been great
Sam Hyde already crashed it.
I know. Been watching that a bit.
Also it's...still not working wow
Telegram used to find people easily wtf