Message from @PlanetGirth- ND
Discord ID: 278038234909638666
ya right
lol calm down with the ISIS shit are you for real?
look here's the deal, I can't carry very often, so I enjoy exercising the privilege when I'm able, so I will
@D3VNT we don't need to specifically focus on fighting the culture war as an organization because that war is already being fought effectively as a decentralized and grass roots general movement.
muslims gonna take over with 1% of population lol gtfo
lol isis
I would reccomend having a dedicated cameraman or two at every protest taking videos
staying far enough from the fray to avoid being attacked
they're gonna out breed us, that's for sure
We're all supposed ot be cameramen
you don't think muslims are a threat
Also having body cams on the people up in the shit
muslims dindu nuffin?
@Moonman#8648 wat
As much of a hit it is to the precious egos of autists
body cams are the way to go
so they wont hit them away
I know. I mean having someone with a nice DLSR camera staying back and getting a wide area view of whats going on
was that truck attack in Nice a false flag
Playing the victim is effective
mmuzzies are a threat but not compared to the us military and gun owners on our home turf
Couldn't we videotape them being douchebags while a different group physically prevents them from causing harm?
dude your black population are 1000x more dangerous than your muslim population
These goals aren't exclusive
Sure, once we get the numbers
Also civil service to help pick up and repair the damage after they've torn shit up
Or carrying extinguishers to put out the fires they start
@Cœur de Lion So I guess we should hope BLM doesn't show up too? lol
@D3VNT Attila is right. These goals aren't exclusive. But the initial purpose of establishing this is to counter antifa and to protect people.
There's a lot of shit we can do - but not any part of it should include performing the function of police
shit! it's a classic pincer move! BLM and ISIS!
lol I'm just talking about that guy who thought ISIS was gonna take over the US government
He was memeing, my dude
who was saying that?
USA is a huge country, will take many years but leftists are giving them a path