Message from @Cœur de Lion
Discord ID: 278038328539086848
staying far enough from the fray to avoid being attacked
they're gonna out breed us, that's for sure
We're all supposed ot be cameramen
you don't think muslims are a threat
Also having body cams on the people up in the shit
muslims dindu nuffin?
@Moonman#8648 wat
As much of a hit it is to the precious egos of autists
body cams are the way to go
so they wont hit them away
I know. I mean having someone with a nice DLSR camera staying back and getting a wide area view of whats going on
was that truck attack in Nice a false flag
Playing the victim is effective
mmuzzies are a threat but not compared to the us military and gun owners on our home turf
Couldn't we videotape them being douchebags while a different group physically prevents them from causing harm?
These goals aren't exclusive
Sure, once we get the numbers
Also civil service to help pick up and repair the damage after they've torn shit up
Or carrying extinguishers to put out the fires they start
@Cœur de Lion So I guess we should hope BLM doesn't show up too? lol
@D3VNT Attila is right. These goals aren't exclusive. But the initial purpose of establishing this is to counter antifa and to protect people.
There's a lot of shit we can do - but not any part of it should include performing the function of police
shit! it's a classic pincer move! BLM and ISIS!
lol I'm just talking about that guy who thought ISIS was gonna take over the US government
He was memeing, my dude
who was saying that?
USA is a huge country, will take many years but leftists are giving them a path
@OneLessRed - TN Once we're able to be an overt organization, sure
But we're not there yet by any means, so speculating on how we'll function then is just larping
Groups like these require development over time
whoever is making posters, try and get them done tonight and i will post them up tomorrow
If you're expecting an overnight reactionary force, you're in the wrong place
Can we at least be proud that we're amped up about things?
Today's AntiFa use distributed networks in social media to disseminate information, Twitter being most common, followed by Facebook. There are propaganda hubs such as, which come the closest to leadership structure. Anarchists despise the concept of hierarchy, but do form tribes with de facto leaders and followers. These are subject to coups and power grabs, generally based on arguments over whoever is the most privileged, who displays the most knowledge of arcane Marxist texts, and who can give the most rousing speeches. Never forget the real power comes from those who run the propaganda machinery. A typical AntiFa operation begins as follows:
"Calls to action" are made and echoed through social media. Twitter and Facebook groups are generally localized and may have long histories.
Anarchists have a rapid response time with little vetting of information. The best way to take advantage of this is through creation and maintenance of multiple sock puppet accounts for the purpose of introducing misinformation at critical junctures. Learn Anarchist ideology and terminology well enough to infiltrate these networks.
Anarchists eschew organization and structure. Instead they believe in "the wisdom of the crowd", spontaneous collective outbursts of rage, instigated by shadowy
and cowardly provacateurs.
Anarchists often live communally in unsafe and unsanitary "squats." The Ghost Ship fire in Oakland was a result of these unsafe living conditions. Any and all "DIY Art venues",
"Progressive Spaces", or Anarchist squats should be reported to local authorities and fire marshalls. We don't need these dens of rats in our cities. Send them back home to live with their parents.