Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 392003529495019521
add weight
I can do 100+ as such
ok, got it
put bricks in a backpack
Bench press and curls too I assume?
Thank you
My dad is a pathetic numale and I'm an only child, so I don't have many local chads to get this sort of advice from.
there's also variations of the pushup you could do to make it more challenging
if you got weights though I wouldn't bother
got it
My squats are good at least; can easily do around 300+ with 20 reps and multiple sets
Bench press and deadlift are weak tho
Keep working on it.
Thanks for the advice, all of you.
I love this place
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Are there any TWP groups in your state?
@Odalman Getting in touch with some NC guys over Christmas break, just finished exams so I haven't had the time yet.
Ok, good. Hook up with them.
I don't know any of our NC goys but if they aren't working out make it a thing.
It'll be easier when it's a group effort.
Heimbach mentioned physical requirements for our folk who want to take part in marches. I think using those requirements as a benchmark is a good idea.
Good place to start.
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe He's lost weight even since april
Also if you only weigh 132 you need to bulk
Y'all see this?
ACA is reforming
How interesting lol
Don't see how that name can come back
Holy fuck I just now listened to this guy from Alternative Hypothesis for the first time
Fuuuuuuuck this faggot lol
I would share it but its been disabled
The "Wolfenstein is Anti-Nazi" video
Doesnt focus on the game really
It delves into the "muh General Plan"... "Muh Hitler killed other white people"... "Muh Hitler allied with Japanese and Arabs"
Holy shit dude
Fuckin triggered rn fam