Message from @Kombat-Unit

Discord ID: 379042965848326154

2017-11-11 22:50:20 UTC  

Every time you pick it up, doesn't matter what you read, it's so accurate it's like it had been just written, to the smallest detail. I constantly quote it religiously because everything has already been said in it much better.

2017-11-11 22:50:23 UTC  

@MadKicker Very true. People are pissed at the basic bitch GOP because they bravely do the honorable thing and lose rather than fight and get a little bloody in order to actually accomplish something

2017-11-11 22:51:29 UTC  

That's why Trumpiian civic nationalism is becoming popular. They still ognore the important issues of race etc, but at the very least they're willing to ignore precedent and "the way things just are" in order to actually do what they want

2017-11-11 22:51:45 UTC  

And the people respect that they're willing to show strength instead of bravely losing

2017-11-11 22:51:49 UTC  

like they're supposed to

2017-11-11 22:57:14 UTC  

Civic nationalism is jewish controlled opposition to the actually dangerous ethnic nationalism. That's what they do in Europe, support some impotent patriotic party to leech support from people who could actually change things. We elected civic nationalists years ago, and now ethnic nationalism is rising because we gave them a chance, nothing changed, so we're swinging even more to the right, because only those believing in blood can solve our problems. It seems USA had to follow the same path, at first voting civic cucks and getting their first taste of faux patriotism, before realizing it as a failre and abandoning it in favore of ethnic nationalism and real solutions.

2017-11-11 22:57:30 UTC  

Yes, you're right of course

2017-11-11 22:57:57 UTC  

I'm not saying that its a good thing, it isn't. I'm just explaining why normies are finding it more appealing than the establishment conservatives.

2017-11-11 22:58:36 UTC  

I don't like what they stand for, but they're willing to actually take stept to accomplish what they stand for and win

2017-11-11 22:58:45 UTC  

Yeah, it's the first taste of the forbidden fruit.

2017-11-11 22:58:55 UTC  

I don't think the masses here will ever adopt ethnic nationalism. I was just in a facebook group a few days ago talking to some civnats/centrists and the lines have been drawn in the sand here a long time ago

2017-11-11 22:58:56 UTC  

Dangerous n a t i o n a l i s m

2017-11-11 22:59:08 UTC  

We were able to latch on to /r/ the donald and civnats and take from them in the beginning

2017-11-11 22:59:10 UTC  

But the lines have been drawn now

2017-11-11 22:59:39 UTC  

they'll latch on eventually

2017-11-11 23:00:29 UTC  

Once we establish ourselves as a legitimate ideology and show that we have teeth, the fence sitters will fall in line

2017-11-11 23:00:37 UTC  

>I don't think the masses here will ever adopt ethnic nationalism
Don't be a defeatist cuck. I doubt even a few decades ago Americans believed whites and negroes were identical. USA is just a couple of years behind the curve. When I started going to nazi demos, they had dozens of people, as opposed to thousands you have now. We can all do it.

2017-11-11 23:00:55 UTC  

Don't tell me USA is more cucked than Sweden.

2017-11-11 23:01:14 UTC  

Congratulate me. NOW!

2017-11-11 23:01:25 UTC  


2017-11-11 23:01:25 UTC  

Where TF is Choady and Roni dammit!

2017-11-11 23:01:37 UTC  

The problem isn't that we are more cucked, its that we don't have as many radical leftists here. In Sweden, the far left helped accelerate things and radicalize the right

2017-11-11 23:01:41 UTC  

Here the radical left is a joke

2017-11-11 23:02:09 UTC  

European antifa are a legitimate threat, American antifa are not

2017-11-11 23:02:21 UTC  

The vast majority of people are ideologically weak and want a strongman and a strong ideology to look up to. We'll provde that, and they'll fall in line because that's what they do

2017-11-11 23:02:50 UTC  

@BasedWhiteGoy Nah man, they're a similar joke world over:

2017-11-11 23:03:10 UTC  

Teen girls, drum circles, trannies. A joke.

2017-11-11 23:03:19 UTC  

I think the vast majority of people will take neither side, in the american revolution only 3% of people took part on either side

2017-11-11 23:03:26 UTC  

Directly or indirectly

2017-11-11 23:03:38 UTC  

That's how it always is, revolution is a spectator sport like Rockwell said.

2017-11-11 23:03:42 UTC  

Thanks. AWS wants me for a hardware engineer.

2017-11-11 23:03:44 UTC  

They are lemmings who will just accept the established order so long as the powers that be provide them with material comforts

2017-11-11 23:03:46 UTC  


2017-11-11 23:04:30 UTC  

Most centrists I talk to basically have the mentality that "I am doing fine so everyone else must be doing fine by extension"

2017-11-11 23:04:37 UTC  

It is what happens when individualism poisons people's minds

2017-11-11 23:05:39 UTC  


2017-11-11 23:05:42 UTC  


2017-11-11 23:06:12 UTC  

Poland's nationalist march today looked pretty awesome

2017-11-11 23:07:24 UTC  

Yes it did

2017-11-11 23:07:44 UTC  

Gave me a high hard one to see them dumb Polacks marching for their own interests.