Message from @Fwydy
Discord ID: 405480857713901568
Snap his fucking neck from an oak tree
Deserves it
I’ll fight for Texas even if I don’t particularly care for the weather lol
a hypothetical oak tree, you mean
isn't texas like majority spic
@Hadrian metaphysical hanging trees
Of course dude we are 100% legal
It is sven
Whites are a minority but can’t have student unions. Meanwhile, fag acceptance trainings...
In Texas of all places!
Fuck sakes
how do republicans even hold onto it then
based spics?
or do they just not vote
the mexican catholics who don't like abortion
There are a good amount of boomer republican type spics
Sometime single issue voters like pro life
Like Hadrian said
America = Anti-White
Tfw almost your entire state is dindus according to the map
they really fucked dixie
like really hard
clearly the solution is to give the entire south to blacks
a homeland for every race
Florida is for niggers-Spencer
Gas the niggers
ayo whiteboi you gots sum gold n sheet
das muh reparashun
Cuz slavery honkey
ak47, a hoe and a book, 3 things niggers don't know how to use.
I don't know if it was posted yet, but don't forget to get your Action! on boys
Perfect! Was just getting ready to go to the gym, now I have something to listen to
Only true southern boys understand