Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 405479679189843990
What a particularly shitty tranny
Does anyone have a link to the FBI interracial rape/violent crime statistics? Jewgle shoah'd them from search results
(all specific data is sourced)
Texas state university is pushing faggotry on the youth so I sent a little email
(I used profanity in an earlier email to my friend but the host of this fag shit was on the reply list too, hence the profanity reference)
I love it
...and thank you for your response
They’re doing a “student training” to be more “accepting” of the lgbtqiahdhfbjfjdhrub37744774 community
Forced cultural Marxism
Let me doxx this scumbag for yall
Deserves it
I’ll fight for Texas even if I don’t particularly care for the weather lol
a hypothetical oak tree, you mean
isn't texas like majority spic
@Hadrian metaphysical hanging trees
Of course dude we are 100% legal
It is sven
Whites are a minority but can’t have student unions. Meanwhile, fag acceptance trainings...
In Texas of all places!
Fuck sakes
how do republicans even hold onto it then
based spics?
or do they just not vote
the mexican catholics who don't like abortion
There are a good amount of boomer republican type spics
Sometime single issue voters like pro life
Like Hadrian said
America = Anti-White
aztlan is one hell of a drug