Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 405482697390161921
how do republicans even hold onto it then
based spics?
or do they just not vote
the mexican catholics who don't like abortion
There are a good amount of boomer republican type spics
Sometime single issue voters like pro life
Like Hadrian said
America = Anti-White
aztlan is one hell of a drug
Tfw almost your entire state is dindus according to the map
they really fucked dixie
like really hard
clearly the solution is to give the entire south to blacks
a homeland for every race
Florida is for niggers-Spencer
Gas the niggers
ayo whiteboi you gots sum gold n sheet
das muh reparashun
Cuz slavery honkey
ak47, a hoe and a book, 3 things niggers don't know how to use.
I don't know if it was posted yet, but don't forget to get your Action! on boys
Perfect! Was just getting ready to go to the gym, now I have something to listen to
Only true southern boys understand
great episode of action
"But now i have to deconstruct 70 years of jewish propaganda to awaken my people to drive the jews into the sea and build a national socialist ethno-state. I didnt wanna do it but you made me" -matthew heimbach
oh god the commenters on this video
some cat lady at an immigration checkpoint refused to answer when they asked if she was a citizen, for hours
and most of the Trumptard commenters are basically fellating cops in general
which I'm normally against, but then the anti cop commenters are like this
That's actually a tough one
Not really. Cops don't have that kind of power, so their promises don't mean shit
What if its a crooked cop that would arrest the brown person and throws them in a river