Message from @MatthewHeimbach
Discord ID: 364589285963202560
now i'm actually okay with it
what do you make of the 12 Apostles being Jews
were they "decent Jews"?
Only Judas was a Jew, the rest of the Apostles were men from Galilee
John 7:1 "After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him."
i thought they were Hebrews? They weren't religious Jews?
Eckart and Hitler shat on Paul big time in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin.
If Jesus was going home, to Galilee, to be away from "jewry" then His people weren't Jews
wasn't there a big debate in Jerusalem about circumcision? And Peter had to be told that he didn't need to follow the Kosher laws anymore?
How would you describe "Positive christianity", all my knowledge from it comes from Savitri Devi who naturally wrote of it negatively from a pagan perspective, but how would you meaningfully differentiate it from the christianity you practice?
Besides, kikes let the Romans crucify Jesus, while they were living in an ethnarchy and had the duty of enforcing law on their own race.
It's Orthodoxy. The Orthodox symbol is the two headed eagle. One head is the church, one the state, with each having different roles for the good of the body, the people. As Wilhelm Frick said on this "The party stands for positive Christianity. The National Socialist state is absolutely ready to work with the Christian churches, but the solidarity of the churches to the Volk must be a matter of course; that means that the churches must feel bound to the Volk and may never come into opposition to the National Socialist leadership of the state. "
The church must be national, which is why we have Serbian, Russian, Romanian, Greek, Bulgarian etc
yes, i agree. but what about peter and the circumcision/dietary laws?
The authority of the Orthodox church is only found within the nation, other peoples dont have a say. Even if the head of the Russian church hates something a Serb patriarch said, he has no authority to override the national decision
I got into a huge argument
with a catholic
on this
they kept saying it was bad because it was split that way
nationalism vs internationalism
And Peter was corrected, through a church council of dogma in Acts
"“Do you know,” said she, “that even as a child I refused to sing the church hymns that alluded to Jehovah or to Israel, on the ground that I was a German and wanted no foreign religion forced upon me? How I understand your nostalgia for the Olympian Gods as well as for your mother’s old Norse ones! How I do!”
“I am glad you do,” I replied. “Only other National Socialists like ourselves have ever understood how important a part that yearning has played in my whole evolution. But fancy that the exact opposite of our attitude is to be found among some European Aryans! Have you heard of a religious sect in England whose members style themselves as ‘British Israelites’?”
“Well, such a sect exists. The adherents, mind you, are not Jews—although some, of course, might be mixed. But I know of some who are thoroughbred Englishmen—Celts and Anglo-Saxons; Aryans. Only they try to prove—by the most spurious arguments—that they and the whole English nation are descended from some ‘lost tribe’ of Israel. Pure-blooded Aryans trying to make out that they are Jews; wanting to be Jews! Have you ever heard of such disgraceful nonsense as that?”
“Well,” put in Herr H, “they have been taught for over 1,500 years that the Jews are ‘God’s chosen people.’ Can you blame them? As you say yourself, the original crime lies in the adoption of Christianity.”
“The one before the last of the Twenty-Five Points,” said I, “although it states that the Party as such stands for ‘a positive Christianity,’ advocates ‘liberty for all religious denominations in the state, so long as they are not a danger to it, and do not militate against the moral feelings of the Germanic race.” Alfred Rosenberg has tried to explain what ‘positive’ Christianity means, and it appears to me that he has just reduced it to that basic commonsense morality which any Aryan can accept."
where's that from?
Can you weight in on that "basic commonsense morality" bit, knowing a bit about positive christianity, how it was theologically different from regular protestantism?
"Christian faith is a heroic, manly thing. God speaks in blood and Volk a more powerful language than He does in the idea of humanity."-Joachim Hossenfelder head of the German Christian Movement
@Tarnfurt "And the time rolls on"
this is one of the most contentious issues within the movement, i know that
Yeah np, Protestantism cut itself off in many ways from the Orthodox view of nation and the fact in Orthodoxy to change dogma, its basically impossible due to the nature of church councils
Protestantism in Germany was closer to Orthodoxy than Catholicism, but both were missing key elements of what Fr. Martin Luther famously said "the Truth lies with the Greeks"
why didn't Luther become orthodox?
Mostly the fact that he wanted Rome to get back to its roots, which would have been Orthodoxy
Father Luther never wanted to split from the Catholic Church, only fix it
seems like he'd have an easier time accomplishing that by sparking an Orthodox revolution as opposed to the Protestant one
after hearing catholics talk about him
you'd think he was satan
Tbh he said even the Turks were better than the Pope, I don't know how much of his orthodoxbooness comes out of theological considerations and how much is just countersignaling everything the Pope does. But yea.
why the heresy with sola scriptura and sola fide, then?
I have huge respect for Fr. Luther. The German people shouldnt be sending money to Rome, they should be helping their countrymen, they should be their own bishops, the mass should be in germany etc
After the latest I have taken a strict anti catholic stance