Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids
Discord ID: 554066274452504586
Im not sure what i am looking at, it looks like an occult drawing, however i dont understand the meaning of it.
i recommend opening the link
Crowley writes “The use of this Name and Formula is to equate and identify every idea with its opposite; thus being released from the obsession of thinking any one of them as “true” (and therefore binding); one can withdraw oneself from the whole sphere of the Ruach. See Liber 813, vel Ararita. Contrast each verse of Cap. I with the corresponding verse of Cap. II for the first of these methods. Thus in Cap. III (still verse by verse correspondence) the Quintessence of the ideas is extracted; and in Cap. IV they are withdrawn each one into the one beyond it. In Cap. V they have disappeared into the Method itself. In Cap. VI they reappear in the Form appointed by the Will of the Adept. Lastly, in Cap. VII they are dissolved, one into the next until all finally disappear in the Fire Qadosh, the Quintessence of Reality.” – Note from ‘The Cry of the 22nd Aethyr’ (The Vision and the Voice), by Aleister Crowley.
so what's this doing in a Disney movie LOL
@EzkealSutekh it's Kabbalah, tree of life
And as i've read, it was used to see opposites of everything to not think of them as true?
LOL good american accent <:doge:511590627860021258>
to equate every idea
Well, that doesnt sound so bad.
Sounds like some kind of philosophy chart.
save the cheerleader! *\o/*
All I know is NASA lie through their teeth
id recommend looking into what i posted
then youd see, it isnt some philosophy
you asked what the 6 pointed star and hexagram are about, i showed you a tiny bit of it to possibly get you started
that would mean reading, not just looking at pictures, and a lot of reading
well yes, but it doesnt seem to be evil, and these texts seem hard to understand because of the weird things they are saying, its like reading some ancient language.
He was Austrian
They were trying to kill the offspring of Jesus cuz he didn't die on the cross
because I'm cooking mate, and that would be noisy as fuck
lolno, he ate the wrong kind
So thats what happened to Howard the alien
I love the censorship from the so called anarchist lolol
Im sure he is bumming around
He is so enlightened he lets old men go to town on him
And censors me....
had an accident
now receiving first aid for burns
2nd degree burns over 0.01% of my entire body
Sounds like Baroque dropped a doobie on his toe.
uhh hello
what part of 0.01% of my *entire body* did you miss
what part of 2nd degree did you miss
that means i damaged 2 layers of skin
Hm... come here.. daddy will blow the pain away.