Message from @TheGhostScientist
Discord ID: 542560086116007955
there is prolly plan for most everything n -kind. Will they ever be put to use? i don't think so.
also one nation would not be probly much better for "them". Gotta have m "enemies"
Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret” in 2017.
kinda like lead msm source on that
Is this
Just the plot of Watchmen?
assistant for Braun speaks about the Alien Agenda Project Blue Beam
@∴Alchemetrics∴ yes it is
i was actually thinkin bout that earlier today
I dunno if they could do that. The amount of resources it would take to pull it off would be nuts and if they ever deployed any sort of ground forces it would just take people pulling off their helmet to realize they are human. I think it would be more feasible to unify the world is to make a ww3 war and the winner just absorb all the losers.
Seems like an unlikely event and would take tremendous work
Him giving you an actual definition isn't him being rude
I think we aren't alone on the planet, but it doesn't take much to arrive at that conclusion..
I don't understand how all three of those cited so far☝️ can talk about being former agents, or assistants to famous scientists, or seem to be ex-military, yet have absolutely nothing to show us for it.. apart from lots of big talk & grainy video footage
Yeah, umm, I see this topic thing is specifically about a fake alien invasion to unite the planet..
I'm thinking.. why not have an invasion of lemmings or mole people? Let's see if these things (aliens) actually exist first..
And I mean; *aliens as space Brothers or fellow biological beings*, as all the propaganda about them seemingly wants us to think...
We don't know *what* they are..
These people seem to have some peculiar interest in presenting these things to us as fellow flesh & blood beings, like, they've just got more advanced technology than us & travel to other planets in their more advanced Nissan Subaru's, no big deal..
..I just don't buy it, that's all
Why would it unite the planet?
At most, countries would just be forced to be better allies
against the "invasion"
also, they would literally never do that
That would literally cause global panic. All countries uniting into one, alien invasion, discovery of aliens that could kill humans, etc... would cause panic
Which is counter-intuitive
The Rothschild Family
The Rothschild Family
<:mk:511588951811817480> Is there proof of a planned faked alien invasion to unify the world under one nation? DAILY DEBATE STAY ON TOPIC! <:mk:511588951811817480>
Dr Steven Greer discusses in great detail about our advanced technology. They have the capabilities to pull this off.
But where is the evidence