Message from @NiCKeLeSS
Discord ID: 545379755285938176
Well not Bible per say. But Torah, Talmud, and scripture.
And probably lots of other tracts.
Were else does 666 occur besides descriptions of solomon's wealth? And are we going to discount its earlier appearance entirely?
@HyperBaroque Also carbon has 6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons = 666
Right? I brought up the Carbon thing because it can seem connected 6 ways from Sunday.
Oh it looks lile Chad already brought it up earlier.
I have to find a plug for my phone
Yea I did too.
My perspective on 666 is it is entirely of numerological and symbolic significance @HyperBaroque
I posted some of the numerology I found regarding it, and the number 616 that the alleged papyrus 115 refers to.
on atomic stuff like
periodic table is entirely modern. from 2000 BCE to bout mid 1800s elements were identifued by roman alchemical symbology (alchemy fer majority of bit though 1300-1700s saw evolution n creation of newtonian physics which was more advanced but nit quite to periodic table status)
same time though nation with the most doctors on per capita is isreal an has been since its formation. add that to due to sigmond Frued^n his nephew bernays, judaism has a massive majority influence iver stem sciences and has since the magna carta.
so theres that to consider.
carbons atomic number is 6 yes
but the elememt in 6th group in 6th row is tungstun
So, ur saying that the number 666 and its origin cant be related to carbon?
it could but like theres only 6 protons not 6.66 an stuff like
a molecule form of carbon where its 6 carbon atoms in a matrix or what ever sure
but like idk how you get 666 form jus carbons 6 protons.
i do remember reading that 666 isnt the correct number in any case. that it was actually 616?
it just seems lile such an unreliable subject matter. john of patmos was considered to be out of his mind and a blasphemer by some. which is why revelation isn't in the canon, it's in the apocrypha.
this doesnt stop modern man from making use of modern translations of his writing. ill post a video
sure but in their time almost all those who were spoken to directly from god were deemed heretics mosses included
amounting to 98.93% of the element carbon;
the monologue in the Orb song is talen from a weird British film where this drifter befriends an incel security guard in the latter part of the film, the security guard lets him sleep in the building he's watching and in return he gets companionship. they talk about a lot of subjects and the drifter goes on this rant about the impending apocalypse in order to shake the guard up about his narrow worldview, especially about women.
the rant touches on the apparent connection between the marl of the beast in revelation and the barcode system
i think its too easy to spook people about the barcode connection because one, people don't get it that scientists and engineers can take up weird fantasies and even troll people, and two people take revelation far too seriously.
@TheGhostScientist was pointing out in VC last night that project blue beam has a lot going for it lately, in terms of things being readied to make an e.t. invasion and the second coming seem real to people even if its being technologically manipulated.
and [i believe that] getting people to believe that events are playing out according to prophecy instead of what's really happening which is events are being conducted and staged to fit the prophecy, is just one of the ways people are prepared for more of the same.
@NiCKeLeSS yes
but carbon 12 is a mole unit not an isotope.
also its molar mass is not pure 12 but 12.011
molar mass units are weird idk how that part of it works tbh im not that much of a math based physicist im more of a theorist
molar mass is just based on avogadro's number
on 6 protons 6 nuetrons n 6 ekectrons sure makes sense
but such case on electrons is only in pure isolated forms
carbon bonded with anything or effected by radiation energy like theres electron swaps involved.
like pure crystal forms of carbon bonded with carbon would be the 666 state
so supposing we agree 666 represents a form of carbon, where does that lead?
to the demonification of the flesh
aka fear mongering
or perhaps its akin to saying the "body" as it is here is a slumbering beast; our souls are the binds upon the fangs of primal minds
element numbers aswell as the periodic table are all human representations
so no the body or carbon element that Is representated as 666 is a human interpretation not the other way around
then again who knows 🤷
John of Patmos Knows
maybe we should dig him up