Message from @Post-LSD Swamp
Discord ID: 545420992051150871
i think its too easy to spook people about the barcode connection because one, people don't get it that scientists and engineers can take up weird fantasies and even troll people, and two people take revelation far too seriously.
@TheGhostScientist was pointing out in VC last night that project blue beam has a lot going for it lately, in terms of things being readied to make an e.t. invasion and the second coming seem real to people even if its being technologically manipulated.
and [i believe that] getting people to believe that events are playing out according to prophecy instead of what's really happening which is events are being conducted and staged to fit the prophecy, is just one of the ways people are prepared for more of the same.
@NiCKeLeSS yes
but carbon 12 is a mole unit not an isotope.
also its molar mass is not pure 12 but 12.011
molar mass units are weird idk how that part of it works tbh im not that much of a math based physicist im more of a theorist
molar mass is just based on avogadro's number
on 6 protons 6 nuetrons n 6 ekectrons sure makes sense
but such case on electrons is only in pure isolated forms
carbon bonded with anything or effected by radiation energy like theres electron swaps involved.
like pure crystal forms of carbon bonded with carbon would be the 666 state
so supposing we agree 666 represents a form of carbon, where does that lead?
to the demonification of the flesh
aka fear mongering
or perhaps its akin to saying the "body" as it is here is a slumbering beast; our souls are the binds upon the fangs of primal minds
element numbers aswell as the periodic table are all human representations
so no the body or carbon element that Is representated as 666 is a human interpretation not the other way around
then again who knows 🤷
John of Patmos Knows
maybe we should dig him up
well if ya go on philosophy basis of spiritualism vs materialism it is almost directly an analogy of christianity vs satanism
This was posted to a dark web forum about 4 months ago
Human beings are 666
The anti christ is still in hiding or not here yet, and I dont think that even those of us whom are awake will realize who he is until it's too late — The comments are especially interesting in this brief article.
I got a Christian saying the whore of Babylon might be Jerusalem @.𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓭
And not Rome
So what if man transforms his dna through frequency down to 1 neutron. Does one because a super being?
Is that considered crystalline consciousness where thoughts or heart felt intentions merge into the reality generating ones own personal kingdom? Is there a crystal language too?
The Whore of Babylon represents false religion as a whole,not just Rome.
@davegamer2003 newbie but agree all of "False Religion" is the harlot/whore. The Beast represents Government. Some Christian's are looking at Russia/Putin to be King of the North.
Nope is it good? @Dobermann
I'll send it to you, I'd watch it before you dismiss the idea that Jerusalem is mystery babylon.
@GrizzlyGuerilla☉♉♈☽♌♍ exactly what happened to me
what now ?
Praise the Sun