Message from @Rob
Discord ID: 619549755042693121
Don't tell him for free you morons
God this discord is awful lol
K bye den
You donβt even have access moron
Go join the reddit server for something more your speed
i think some furry and trap infestested /k/ discord is more his speed
@Bubba Gucci post ass
@AngryWhiteGuy I wasn't the one who took that photo but I doubt my buddy would mind if you reposted
just don't repost to any cringe servers
post gear
@Rob post gear
ratnik sucks
Bro u milsim bro?
It's terrible
Why a squishy squishy
Cause I've yet to find another pistol that I like shooting more
why are you taking pictures of a gun while driving
fucking retard
Nah hes a fag
HK sucks
Guns are not gear
Who tf likes shooting hks?
I like shooting my 45CT π
also Silvias suck
That's a Skyline anyways
But Silvias are big cute
GTS-T or what